Part 1: 1639: Solar Saros Cycle 145 of the Total Solar Eclipse 2017 & 1999

Solar Eclipse August 1999

The total solar eclipse of 2017 / 21. August 2017, visible in North America, is connected to the total solar eclipse of 1999, visible in Central Europe. Both are embedded in a larger cycle, called the Saros Cycle, to be precise, Solar Saros 145, as in it are all solar eclipses that occur rhythmically in a certain period of time, belonging together.

When finding out, I got curious, starting to reflect on the past events of this series, and some astonishing connections were visible, which I would like to share in this article. So this article refers to the history and the underlying energy of this series. Weiterlesen

Quality of time New Moon 23rd July 2017

The new moon occurs right before celebrating the day out of time / entering the Lions gate / the new Haab in Dreamspell

On July 23rd at 11:45 European Summer Time the full moon is at Leo 0,44 in conjunction to Mars on 1,36 Leo.
The Sun and Mars will move then with almost same speed to the full moon of 07th August 2017, so they share their walk together in conjunction through a closer or wider relation.
The conjunction between Moon, Sun and Mars therefore is the energizing aspect of this new moon and will last at least until the full moon 07th August 2017, changing then the expression towards the solar eclipse happening in August. Mars gives a fiercely quality of fight into the Leo energy, so on political turns quarrels may turn to more Louis XIV expressions of royalty and fight, therefore starting quarrels or fights or combats may be due to self expression or the feeling of diminished self esteem, the sun wants to shine and it takes the energy of Mars, the sword of Mars, to ensure this. Weiterlesen

Quality of time July 2017 – a short vision

Today is the start of the 13th moon in Dreamspell – as each year we are heading towards the Day out of time on July 25th to start a new year on July 26th. This time also is called the starting of the Lion’s gate, as it leads through the time of Leo, which is of greater importance regarding the shift towards the Aquarian age (as opposite in the Zodiak, so when the Sun is in Leo, the moment the sun is setting in the sky and therefore during the night Aquarias can be seen as constellation in the sky). The Lion’s gate therefore is a pathway to the Aquarian age.
As usual, the beginning of a new month as well as each portal day or the day out of time is a day, where visions and dreams can be more vivid. As it is with me. My dream this night showed me some insight in current political issues, and in the times to come this month and to follow.

  • My dream was:
    I was in a room in a castle or building. Journalists got in and out. Discussing I went outside, it was like a church in a castle, a face was chiseled into the wall, as it is usual on medieval churches. It was the face of a guy with beard and horns, yet one horn was missing (as e.g. Indra as Elephant god has one horn/tusk missing) . I remembered, that a guy like this was holding the sacred water in Rennes Les Chateau and thought of Mary Magdalen when I entered through the wall (was there a portal or a door or did I just enter the heavy grey bricks?) so I wondered on the connection between Indra, Ghanesa and so, while I heard whispers from voices, telling that I found that site, when I saw a very old woman with grey shoulderlong hair (Sheila na Gig) on a bed, ill, here empty breasts hanging down her chest, one breast was covered with rubber, as if someone had tried to pump the milk out of it. She needed care, looked at me. I wondered, who tried to milk an old woman, when I was in that space again. Inside that large room was a person of the former Obama administration sat in a seat, and I was glad to see him, and told this. I went out again to find myself on a field of broken glass. A mother stood there with her daughter, the daughter was playing with the sharp glass, when I walked to that girl to tell her that this may be dangerous. When I got closer, I saw, that the cutting edges of the red, orange, coral, yellow glass turned to drops, liquid, spinning, then to polyhedrons, then they formed elestials, like elestial crystals. Whatever the girl had chosen, it was neither sharp nor edgy, it was safe, harmonious and it itself a crystal of beauty.


Dreams are stuff for interpretation, and in this case, it might be a good idea to interpret them with my own storyline. And to this, I have to refer to Atlantis.
My memory of Atlantis is, I stood there, was invited to sing a harmony that would harmonize and balance the dischoard that had built up to a disharmony in all the crystals. While I tried to balance my inner to see both sides, all tones of the story, I realized, that both sides were not so much different, but they had chosen a different approach to it. The misunderstandings had grown too deep. But I tried to concentrate in order to sing that sound, when a flash of light appeared behind me, I turned towards that light when I heard the crystals of the temple break, and the air was filled with the screams and yelling of all beings that went through this experience.
later a friend told me, his memory is, I was in that temple, he and others were outside, trying to hold the space and the frequency, while it cracked and I could not be reached in side. For whatever reason, I was afraid to make sound and noise since I was a child. I loved singing, but withdrew in a closed space.
Later I learned, that a lot of people that went through this Atlantis breaking and the going under of that civilization can not stand noise or strange sounds. Very often, people are afraid to talk. It is their reaction on this moment of cracking, when the yells started to scream and added to the dischoard in the air. A short glimpse of what might have happened is the Movie “2012” from Roland Emmerich, that did not reflect, what we went through in 2012, but it was a close approach to what happened in Atlantis, and how it came, people in the “boats” could reach a new world. It was one of the waves of remembrance that got more vivid the closer we came to 2012.
Whenever people are into the Dreamspell, they may find that gates exist, through which windows emerge. Windows or mirrors, as Aura-Soma would say. Fractals Arguelles would have called them. One is mirrored with the own story and/or can see through time and space into the other dimension that form space and with it in this realm time.
If one uses these windows as gateway, by purpose or by accident, actions have the tendency to be stronger and mirror back to the “actor” – and into realms of dreamtime and manifestation. Something, a large crowd of people know, more than we think.
It so happens, that some of the beings knowing more, are masons. It so happens, that 2012 was a year of election in America. It so happens, that 2016 was also a year of campaigning in America, and the Democratic convention chose to do their “candidate” election on the day out of time / beginning of the new year, so in the beam to the infinite. Whatever I am now saying, may seem as if the democrats did a lot of energy work, but this is not the whole story. Beyond 2012 I saw a lot of Republicans and groups of background stories “seeding” also with technoology , Russia and China added to that, I wrote a lot on it then and there, I can make a long story short, in telling, 5that with the haarp technology (that is spread all over the world, shut down by Obama for military use, but revived by Trump again) and the current Infrared technology used by China and Russia is close to the technology that destroyed Atlantis. Therefore, whenever it is in use, People with Memories of Atlantis tend to have nightmares.

The issue gets a bit more colorful, when we look at it with Aura-Soma eyes.

In this image,

(my former article on this you can find at: )

one can see the Colors of Hilary Clinton, and the colors of Donald Trump according to their Birth Kin in dreamspell. You can see, both are turquoise, yet one with clear in fraction, one with deep magenta. Kin 85 is also in connection with Titania, the queen of the fairies, while 107 is Archangel Jeremiel in Aura-Soma.
It took me to this dream this night to understand the connection. Trump and Clinton was 2016 the reflection of the Atlantean fight of both groups, the dissonance they put out got so strong that it crashed – Then and there Atlantis, now most likely America. The political fight going on is therefore not “political” – it is a remembrance of a special way, a fight, that now is turned to the political stage, but it is the same fight. The crash is deep. The glass breaks.

The sound of Atlantis, the attempts of trying to stop that crash, and all that light workers are trying to do, is in the breaking to create harmonies. The broken glass is not edgy, it starts to spin and will show elestial crystals – in a new time. But in fact right now, we may stand on broken red/coral /yellow glass – so the attempt is to break the issues of survival mode.
Obama tried to break the issues of a survival mode in giving people access to health care, the Republicans do the opposite, they try to increase the survival mode in order to stress it, until the glass breaks.
The attempted glass ceiling to break instead of feminism and a woman ruling America turned out to be the broken glass of the crystal temple of Atlantis. With the ability to form new worlds, but an ability that may be beyond the reach of the current generation. My dream tells me, that maybe the new generation can. To us, it may break.

I refer to it in a deeper way, as some visions have to do with it.
According to the dreamspell, the coming year is in Kin 64 – the cosmic seed. The cooperation in the name of the seeds of a new time, seeds of cosmic impact, of cosmic importance.

Kin 64 is the bottle “Djwal Khul” in Aura-Soma.
Djwal Khul yet is the name of the Tibetean, that gave Alice Bailey the insights for the books, her work in founding the Lucis Trust.
The day out of time will be in the energy of Kin 63 – spectral night. In Aura-Soma this is reflected by the bottle B63 – Hilarion and Djwal Khul. Another setting of the theme, repeating itself.

During the coming 4 weeks we may experience more and more remembrances towards the Atlantean Crash, the shock of that split. We may encounter a lot of inner yells and dischoards, with some trying to build a new society of equality, where others may want to erase one large portion of the people and the rest shall be the ones in the boat of the new time.
These are the emotions behind the current fight in America, that will expand into the world while the world watches in agony and fascination about the game in America. Then and there both sides they are the rescue of Atlantis, just as well as both sides here thought they do the best for America.

Yet all with Atlantean roots and remembrances to Lemuria and Atlantis may feel an increase pain. If this is the case, I would suggest to turn to calming actions, e.g. the right movements, training, or music / harmonies. I can not say, whether harmony may be suiting, as sometimes an energy is balanced not by a harmony but by a dischoard. Therefore it may vary from time to time, and “heavy metal” may be suiting as well as mantras.
Some people may be through these mentioned issues, already in a state of tranquility serenity, yet if you belong to the other “fraction” that may face the memories and shock of that destruction, just find the waay that suits you.
Know, this time things are different, and memory is mixing with an other future.
Yet it may be a bit of a bumpy ride through the Lion’s gate.
May you find the star that guides you, may the star, that guides you, be your own soul, shining the light on you.

New moon 25th May, New Spin 260 day round in Dreamspell

The main aspect of the new Moon in Gemini is the opposition to Lilith. Lilith, the dark moon, is a fierceful power in a horoscope to overcome voids and the own inner abandonment, especially where we abandon our selves in order to be in a relation:

With Lilith so prominent in opposition to the new moon, one may say that relations, that were not working, are now releasing their tension and grip they had on the collective. This may not mean, that the relation itself dissolves, but that the stress stops to bother the matriarchal-patriarchal patterns and the power struggle of the sexes that had been so prominent in the last four ages. Weiterlesen

Astrologische Beratungen / Astrological counsellings

Hallo!    (for English please scroll down)

Eine gute Nachricht, Ich nehme meine astrologischen Beratungen wieder auf.

Die Besprechung des Geburtshoroskopes umfasst die Geburtsenergien und die aktuellen Zeitenergien in Verbindung mit den inneren Entfaltungszyklen. Zusätzlich dazu spreche ich gerne die Geburtsenergien nach dem Maya Kalender und/oder Dreamspell an, und verbinde diese in die Gesamtsituation hinein. Ebenso benenne ich die Schutzengel, Emotionalengel und Geburtsengel, die der Geburt zugeordnet werden.

Gerne erhalten Sie auch ein Bild, wie der Himmel zur Zeit Ihrer Geburt aussah. Dazu thematisiere ich kurz die Bedeutung der Fixsterne und deren Einflüsse auf die Geburtsenergien. Sie können dieses Bild gerne auch separat als Ausdruck erhalten, sprechen Sie mich einfach darauf an.

Darüber hinaus bin ich spezialisiert auf

  • Lilith (der dunkle Mond, die weibliche Kraft oder Leere)
  • Kinderhoroskope (Neugeborene)
  • Familienmuster (Geschenke, Herausforderungen und Heilung der Ahnenlinien)

Wenn es um Kinderhoroskope oder die Horoskope der Familienmuster geht, besorgen Sie sich bitte auch noch folgende Geburtsdaten/Zeiten: bei Neugeborenen die Geburtsdaten der Geschwister, Eltern, und bei Familienmustern die Geburtsdaten von Eltern und Großeltern. Standesämter geben Ihnen gerne auf spezielle Anfrage Kopien einer qualifizierten Geburtsurkunde mit Geburtszeit (oder sagen sie auch mal am Telefon ohne Gebühren durch) Wenn die Geburtsdaten vor 1950 liegen, wäre es gut, mit 4 – 6 Wochen Bearbeitungszeit zu rechnen, da die Kopien aus den Archiven oder Kirchenbüchern abgeschrieben werden müssen. Doch da es seit Mitte des 19 Jahrhunderts Pflicht ist, diese zu erfassen, liegen meist ab 1850 und später Geburtszeiten vor.

Jede Beratung umfasst 60 – 90 Minuten Beratungszeit plus 6 Wochen nach der Beratung, an der jederzeit Fragen gestellt werden können. Die Beratung kann schriftlich erfolgen (wird von mir per Hand erstellt, keine Computergesteuerten Ausdrucke), oder kann per Telefon oder Skype stattfinden. Ebenso möglich ist eine WhatsApp Beratung, d.h. dass über einen zu definierenden Zeitraum in Form von Fragen und Antworten über das Horoskop die Beratung stattfindet.

Wenn Sie Aura-Soma kennen, würde es mich freuen, wenn Sie mich darüber informieren.

Freue mich auf Ihr Interesse



Dear All,

i am restarting my astrological counselling.

Usually, a birth horoscope counselling is prepared including the inner rhythm of unfoldment in alignment with the outer demands and circumstances, and also includes the Mayan and/or Dreamspell signs and their significance for the own life and energy and the names and calling of the own Guardian Angel, Emotional Angel and Mental Angel name and energies. Also a starmap of the actual sky at birth and a short reading on Fixed-Star energeis and their significance for the own life can be provided.

Besides birth horoscopes in connection with actual energies in inner and outer and inner rhythms of unfoldment I am specialized also on

  • Lilith (the female power or void),
  • Golden threats from other lives (reincarnation),
  • Children horoscopes / horoscopes of newborns
  • Family and ancestors: finding the gifts, patterns, and healing.

In terms of the children/newborn horoscopes, family and ancestor themes, please provide additionally to the own birthdate or birthdate/times of the child also the birthdate/times of the parents and grandparents. Birth registers are happy to provide you with these birth certificates if you ask specifically for qualified birth certificates with the time of birth included. Allow 2 – 6 weeks time for birth certificates that are before 1950’s or 1900’s, as usually such a certificate has to be specially done by accessing archives or church books, and that these ones may have an extra charge added to it.

Each counselling can be done written (all manual, no computer feeds), by telephone, skype, taping or whatsapp massages as dialogue. An oral counselling usually takes 60 90 minutes and includes also additional questions and dialogues up to 6 weeks after the counselling date.

If you are interested or familiar with the Aura-Soma color system, please let me know.

Looking forward to hearing from you

The year 2017 in Dreamspell / energetic dates

The new year started in Dreamspell with the beginning of the mirror wavespell. So the start into the new year was also a start into a new wave. Due to the “Rauhnächte” the 12 sacred nights between Christmas and Epiphany, January 1st is connected with the 7th month of the year, which is also the Lion’s Gate Portal, the alignment with Sirius while the sun moves into the sign of Leo.
This indicates, that the themes, the “mirror” wave are bringing along, will also be picked up in the middle of the year, when the new year in Dreamspell occurs. Life as a mirror, on earthly, celestial or cosmic terms, will be one of the main themes in both Calendaries.
One of the main issues of José Argüelles, when finding out about the mayan timecount, was re-aligning it with cosmic events. So the Dreamspell has in itself the gift of connecting the South American ( Plejidiads & Sirius ) with the Sirius-alignment of Egypt. The haab therefore is connected to the heliacal rising of Sirius in Egypt (see )
The Dreamspell Kin “mirror” is – if you look closely – also a sky view down on the pyramid of Chichén Itza in South America – yet also on the pyramid of Saqqara in Egypt. So in this year, one of the main themes, the alignment of earthly life with celestial events and the rhythm of the cosmos will be in the main focus. The sky as a looking glass into eternity.
I would also suggest, that due to the intensity of this theme, both continents, South America and Africa, will work geomantic in a stronger way. The mirror seal itself is in connection with the Indian ocean. There might be an emphasis on the region between Madagascar and Australia, also July 2017 – 2018. in a movement of the plates or earthquakes, that may show up during the next Haab, so from July 26th 2017 – 2018

High energy dates in 2017 according to the Dreamspell

  • Middle column of the Dreamspell. 4.1. – 24.1. with the turning points on 13/14th January
  •  Closing 10 portal days: 29.1 – 8.2.2017
  •  End of the current spin / Kin 260: 23rd May 2017 AND
  •  Beginning of the new spin: 24th May 2017
    These two days mark the energy of the utmost energy shift or downward spiral – depending on where and when a human being is feeling. It marks therefore the increasing gap between the people on a creative path and the people on the destructive path, also the increasing gap between people still living spiritually and mentally in the old paradigm and people who already feel and live spiritually, mentally and sometimes even astral in the new paradigm of the Aquarian Age.
  • Day out of time: 25th July
  • Beginning of the New Year 26th July Kin 64 – cosmic seed year

eptember 2017: Echo of December2016 / January 2017  themes, reminder on all new Year’s resolutions. – if you passed your January energy it will be a time of uplift, in case janury’s themes are
this month may bring a reminder.

  • 6.9.-16.9.: 10 opening portal days.
    Refer to the time before Christmas. I would strongly suggest to mark this time in the calendar, as at this time portal in 2016 a cosmic wave was screened, that then lead to double earthquake movements. It was a cosmic energy wave in high frequency, that was registered by satellites. Here the reminding link (dutchsinse
  • 18th September 2016 – Echo of January 1st on a new level
  • 30.09.-01.10: turning of the spin
  • 10.10.20017 (=10-10-10) Kin 140 – planetary sun. The manifestation of the sun’s energy on a 10-10-10 day ! This is the lowest point of the middle column and will be a very high energetic day. This will be a reflection – or a backdraft – from 10-10-2008 (before Obama was elected) and 10-10- 2010
    10 closing portal days. 16th – 26th. October 2017:
  • Special energies: all born in 1965 will reach their Sirius-Return this year. A Sirius return means, that every 52 years the birthkin and the birthday are combined again. This indicates a kind of cosmic initiation into the own birth energy on higher levels.

Cosmic communication:
The dreamspell is, what I call, a cosmic telephone. One task, in my view, is to “home phone” – which means a free access to it and a spreading all over the world. One other – main – theme is, the connection of human consciousness to earthy life. And the energy earth is getting, as humanity sends out main themes as collective emotional impact of such a vast kind, that the cosmos answers after a while with helping waves.
So if humanity has a problem, e.g. with mourning, with impacts, and sends out the energy of vast destruction r vast emotions, the cosmos turns to it vast energies to help.
Usually, for mass emotions in the collective, it takes 2 – 3 days and you can see the impact in the sun by mirroring. Sometimes an effect yet is so strong, that you can see it in one part of the sun without mirroring the image.
January 1st in the images of SDO Princess Leia was to be seen. The death of Carry Fisher as actress and her mother Debbie Reynolds was one theme surrounding Christmas- new Year’s time during the portaldays . Yet a few days later the world showed what it mourned – it mourned the death and remembrance of Princess Leia, so earth as a collective was sending through the sun the passing of a galactic princess.
So the portal days of this year + September / October + in about 2 – 3 years time mark answers from the cosmos on this galactic feeling, as she impacted the feelings that people have towards the stars, and towards the feminine. Waves that approach earth in 2 – 3 years time will bring answer in empowerments to a new feminine expression and the passing of expression of patriarchic feminine patterns.

September 05 – Kin 260 – Preview to the next 260 days

A bit of a short preview of what may come – today is a portal day, so political issues have also an impact in space and time…
North Korea fired missiles towards China, while they do the G20 meeting… while at the G20, which is an economy meeting of world leaders, a lot of other background issues are given space and may be or may be not discussed. China is in its subtle way demanding an expansion of their own mindset and energy… and here my view and this short article sets in

Due to the solar eclipse, a solar ring of time from the African continent containig access to the wisdom libraries was released. This will lead to an increase of wisdom people on earth hardly had access to and this will continue for decades and centuries to come.
As today the world leaders are in China, and tomorrow the ASEAN meetings will start, two focus points of cosmic portals (kin 260 and Kin1) are taken with these economic Asian events.
As the Dreamspell also contains I-Ching-hexagrams (see the Star Traveller almanac by Stephanie South/José Argüelles), all that are interested in energetic flow and harmonizing may deepen their understanding of – – and — , of existence and non existence, of light and dark, of 0 and 1 … the flower of life in circle turning to the chinese luck knot that is square in nature and therefore the cube of Metatron harmonizes also with the chinese Tao. The i-Ching and the 5 Element harmony as a wisdom will be one of the issues of the coming 260 days.
Due to the meeting of the ASEAN countries i would also suggest, that the vison of the ASEAN countries will spread more. The ASEAN countries formed in emphasis for the European thought. With that respect, i again call St. Germain in, ruler of the 7th ray of the new time to come, the Aquarian age. He was one of the founder of the economic wealth of Europe, and as the ASEAN countries have Europe as a vision, he may support this.
the 7th ray politically seen may be attributed with communism and socialism, as These experiments took place under the guidance of the 7th ray, but both of these political ideas and theories are just a rough first sketch and were in that matter of sense not able to expand into the world realm. Yet with St. Germain as the one that contributed to the economy building of Europe, we see that the 7th ray can also have more liberal and idealistic expressions also. So under this guidance, we may find broader visions of ways to live together, like Europe is trying to built its vision according to it, more Liberalism wise than socialism/communism wise, yet with a strong tendency to brotherhood and equality – while the African countries, the African Union, will rise to a worldwide equality too, maybe in the same time frame than China and the ASEAN countries will do.

So may St. Germain also contribute to the ASEAN awakening and therefore to harmonize the western – European – Idea with the Asian countries. May the chinese wisdom of Tao, i-Ching and Yin-Yang be understood deeper and may this build a bridge where the cultures can meet in a better way and a better understanding of interconnectedness of the world as a whole, and humanity as caretaker of Earth.


Sonnenfinsternis 01.09.2016 – Teil 1

The Quality of Time – Die Qualität der ZEIT
Sonnenfinsternis 01.09.2016 , 09:08 h Greenwhich Mean ime / Universal time (GMT/UT)
01.09.2016 – 11:08 h MESZ Mitteleuropäischer Sommerzeit.

Dies ist der erste Teil eines zweiteiligen Artikels, der sich mit der heutigen Sonnenfinsternis vom 01.09.2016 beschäftigt. In der Einleitung (im ersten Teil) möchte ich einen kurzen Einblick darin geben, was auf einer übergeordneten Ebene eine Sonnenfinsternis ist, wie man sie astrologisch einordnen kann, was die speziellen Bereiche sind, die sie kulturell oder psychologisch berühren kann, und einen kurzen Energieausblick auf die kosmischen Dimensionen der Finsternis legen, bevor ich im zweiten Teil des Artikels genauer auf die Horoskope der Finsternis und dem Beginn des Saroszyklus, dem sie angehört, eingehen werde.
Finsternisse sind Verdunkelungen des Lichtes des Mondes oder der Sonne dort, wo man sie beobachten kann. Die Erde ist ein zuverlässiger Ort mit Rhythmen und Zyklen, Zu Zeiten, in denen die Sonne kulturell-mystisch mit dem König und Herrscher eines Landes verbunden war, repräsentierte eine Finsternis Tod oder Beeinträchtigungen des Lichtes des Herrschers, also Rückschläge in/durch Kriege, Missernten oder Krankheiten. Dies gilt in heutiger Zeit in diesem Sinne nicht mehr, doch kann man auch beobachten, dass in Traditionshäusern wie Erbmonarchien oft Kinder, die später wichtige Rollen im Land spielen (den Thron erben), in Zusammenhang mit Finsternissen geboren werden. Eine weitere „Schwächung“ der Sonne, die oft im Zusammenhang mit Herrscherhäusern auftritt, ist die Sonne im 12. Haus. So paradox es scheinen mag, die eigene Sonne der Person ist eher gedimmt, damit die Sonne des Herrschers im Dienst am Volke scheinen kann. Ähnliches gilt daher für Finsternissonnen in Geburtshoroskopen von Herrscherhäusern oder später politisch orientierten Menschen.
Wirkungsbereich einer Sonnenfinsternis:
Einer Sonnenfinsternis im persönlichen Horoskop als Transit sagt man nach, dass sie plutonische transformatorische Eigenschaften zeigt. Ihr Wirkungskreis / Wirkungsdauer kann in verschiedenen Phasen gemessen werden.
1. Sie hat Gültigkeit bis zum nächsten Neumond (bei Sonnenfinsternis) und Vollmond (bei Mondfinsternis). Das Licht hat sich erneuert, die hohe Transformatorische Arbeit einer Finsternis endet.
2. Sie hat Gültigkeit bis zur nächsten Finsternis gleicher Art (also Sonnenfinsternis oder Mondfinsternis). Dies kann zwischen 5 und 6 Monate andauern.
3. Sie hat Gültigkeit bis zur nächsten Finsternis am Süd- oder Nordl. Mondknoten – dies kann zwischen 11 und 12 Monate dauern
4. Sie hat Gültigkeit bis zur nächsten Finsternis im Saroszyklus, und wird dann von der nächsten Sonnenfinsternis in der Energetik abgelöst. Diese Zeitspanne beträgt 18 Jahre

Finsternisbereich – und Bedeutung:

Die heutige Sonnenfinsternis hat einen breiten Finsternisbereich über Afrika hinweg (siehe Links am Ende des Artikels).
Auf einer übergeordneten Ebene der kosmischen Einflüsse bedeutet dies, dass die Finsternis das Kollektiv darauf vorbereitet, dass der Kontinent von Afrika sich vollends energetisch an die telepathischen Templates anschließen wird. Telepathische Templates ist ein Name, den José Argüelles den Bereichen gegeben hat, die das Wissen / die kosmischen Bibliotheken und die Kommunikation des Lebens untereinander und miteinander bezeichnen. In den telepathischen Templates sind die Ideen der Formen gespeichert, um es mit Plato zu sagen. Der Evolutionsplan, den Gaia gerne entfalten würde ist dort ebenso enthalten wie die Verbindung aller Lebensformen zur kosmischen Heimat. Es bezeichnet also einen Raum, den Schamanen schon immer kannten und in ihrem Training zu betreten lernten – wie man mit den Tieren und der Natur so in Einklang steht, dass eine Kommunikation, tiefes Wissen und Verstehen, möglich ist. Ein Bereich, der nur mit Weisheit, Feingefühl und offenem Herzen betreten werden kann. Ein Bereich, von dem aus Heilung möglich ist. In diesem Bereich ist alles Wissen aufgezeichnet, in einem Sinne von: Bibliothek – in einem anderen sinne von: Frequenzbereich.
Die Öffnung bzw. der Anschluss des afrikanischen Templates bedeutet, dass die Erde selbst das gespeicherte Wissen in alle Bereiche der Erde einfließen läßt. In der Erde, dem Grund und Boden, sind alle Informationen aller Lebewesen und aller gefühlten Emotionen und gedachten Gedanken enthalten. Alles was im Guten wie im Schlechten je erlebt wurden. Wie die Erde behandelt wurde, wie die Menschen sich selbst untereinander behandelt haben, wie das Leben behandelt wurde.

Dies bedeutet, dass auf einer unbewussten psychologischen Ebene ein großer Anteil an der kulturellen Selbstverständlichkeit, z.B. wie Mann und Frau zueinander gestellt sind, in die gesamte kollektive Unbewusstheit und das Astrale einfließt, und von dort aus von Wissenden oder Geschulten verstanden und übersetzt werden kann. Es bedeutet, dass Wesen unbekannter Art auf der Astralebene zu sehen sein können.
Es bedeutet auch in einem geistigen Sinne auch, dass sich Bibliotheken und kosmische Verbindungen öffnen, die mit der Herrschaft der weißen Wesen vor allem im Kali Yuga vergessen wurden. Es bedeutet auch, dass die Art, wie der Kontinent von Afrika von den Weißen behandelt wurde, sich in das astrale ergießt – die westliche Zivilisation bekommt den Einfluss von Haß und Unterdrückung, den sie in diese Welten hineinbrachte, den sie in die Erde stampfte, und den Gaia nun in unseren Bewusstseinsbereich zurückbringt, als Rückfluss zu spüren.
Es ist also eine Form der Aufarbeitung historischer Ereignisse und immense Heilung die möglich wird, wenn genug Wesen sich dessen bewusst sind.
Dieses innere Freisetzen alleine, (ohne die emotionale und mentale Reaktion der Menschen auf diesen Clash der Kulturen anzusprechen) bedeutet einen weiteren Clash in dem, was die Hathoren als chaotische Knoten bezeichnen. Ich möchte daher hier noch einmal erklären, was ein chaotischer Knoten ist:

Chaotische Knoten:
Alles ist Schwingung. Emotionen sind Schwingung, Gedanken sind Schwingung, Einflüsse fliessen ineinander und erzeugen Bewegungen und, je nach Elementezusammensetzung, Reaktionen.
Alles ist Schwingung. Man stelle sich daher einfach einen Wassertopf oder ein Wasserglas vor. Jedes Wort hinterlässt eine Schwingung in diesem Wasser. Dann kann es natürlich Bewegung geben, oder jemand – kosmische Entwicklung genannt – stellt den Topf auf den Herd. Das Wasser beginnt zu kochen, die aufsteigenden Blasen sind zuerst leicht, doch je näher an der Oberfläche, desto mehr schlagen die Wellen ineinander. Die aufsteigenden Blasen sind in diesem Falle z.B. die kosmischen Einflüsse und Impulse. Sie kommen von ganz tief unten. Die Blasen an der Oberfläche sind die chaotischen Knoten, dort, wo das Wasser aufgewühlt ist und die Wellenberge ineinanderbrechen Mit Knoten sind also in dem Falle Schwingungsknoten gemeint. Das englische Wort, das sie verwenden, Nodes, wird verwendet für Schwingungsamplituden zu messen, doch auch im astrologischen Sinne, um errechnete Maßeinheiten zu bezeichnen, z.B. Finsternisse, also Begegnungen, Zusammenkünfte, die dann Ereignisse oder Effekte erzeugen. Bei einer Finsternis geschieht im astronomischen Sinne nichts. Außer dass sich Bahnen verschiedener Planeten in bestimmte Winkelbeziehungen begeben. Das Auge des Betrachters, der Menschen und Tiere auf diesem Planeten jedoch, sieht ein sich verdunkelndes Licht, da gerade diese besondere Winkelbeziehung bei uns bedeutet, dass Schatten oder die Form eines Planeten genau die Größe haben, um ein anderes Wesen vor unseren Augen zu verbergen. Durch die Winkelbeziehung, die einfach so durch die natürliche Eigenbewegung der kosmischen Objekte entsteht, entsteht durch Beobachtung ein visueller Effekt, der anzeigt, dass sich in der Energieeinstrahlung etwas geändert hat, da sich zwei Objekte so begegnet sind. Dies betrifft den Betrachter. Daher empfahl man in früheren Zeiten, einer Sonnenfinsternis auszuweichen, denn wenn man sie nicht beobachtete, dann war man ja nicht von ihr betroffen. Dies hat sich nun so geändert, dass man zu Sonnenfinsternisereignissen reist, und sich bewusst in die Beobachtung und die eigene Wahrnehmungsreaktion begibt, was eine erfreuliche Ausdehnung des Bewusstseins zur Folge hatte. Wer jemals bei einer Sonnenfinsternis zugegen war, der kann im Zeitraffer erfahren, dass sich am helllichten Tage die Blüten zu schließen beginnen, die Natur sich beginnt, wie nachts zu verhalten, z.B. Vögel verstummen. Der Blütenreflex alleine bezeugt, dass das Leben auf der Erde darauf reagiert, und damit auch, dass es zelluläre und tief in der Biologie verwurzelte Reaktionen auf Lichtveränderungen und Lichteinstrahlung ergibt, der Mensch als biologisches Wesen gehört mit dazu.
Alles ist Schwingung. Emotionen sind Schwingung, Gedanken sind Schwingung, Einflüsse fliessen ineinander und erzeugen Reaktion. In diesem chaotischen Bereich ist das möglich, was als Novelty, Neuheit, bezeichnet werden kann, da ein ungeheures kreatives Potenzial entsteht, da die Einflüsse sich miteinander Mischen.
Für mich ist es wichtig, diesen Bereich auch des kulturellen anzusprechen, da die Finsternis, die heute zu sehen sein wird, einer interessanten Saros Serie angehört, die eine Entfaltung des Weiblichen im Zusammenhang mit alten mystischen Kräften als Hauptthema hat – und im zweiten Teil dieses Artikels möchte ich die historische und astrologische Besonderheit dieser Finsternis, die ein Brückenschlag zwischen Männlich-Weiblich und Friedlich-Kriegerisch sein kann, beleuchten.
Da der heutige Tag im Dreamspell in der Sternenwelle ein Tag des Kriegers ist, yellow solar warrior – gelber solarer Krieger – und dies eine Sonnenfinsternis darstellt, in der Mars mit Saturn einen prägnanten Platz einnimmt, wird ein Teil meiner Beobachtung sich auch diesen Themen im besonderen Widmen.

Links mit Informationen über die Sonnenfinsternis 01.09.2016 – 11:08 h Mitteleuropäischer Sommerzeit.
Astronomische Daten über den Saroscycle 135 von NASA :
Informationen über die Sonnenfinsternis (dt)
Und natürlich Wikipedia, einer globalen Wissensdatenbank/Bibliothek auf Kristalltechnologiebasis:

Zweiter Teil folgt.
Autorin: Octavia Gentemann-Schmidt

Mary Magdalene and the Christ energy – the veil of the piscean age


Rose garden at the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Ireland Copyright Octavia Gentemann-Schmidt

A short while ago, the catholic church surprised people with the news, that there will be a feast day for Mary Magdalene, ranking her now equal to the apostles. Pondering on this, some remarks from Alice Bailey came to me, that I would like to express as an energy image of the current energies.* (see footnotes)

We are at the cusp of the so called Aquarian Age. The consciousness of this age is now fully accessible since at least 2012, when the old age ended and we entered the new dimensions in which the emergence into the new consciousness succeeded. Yet the manifestation, to live according to it for earth as a whole, still might take some centuries. The energies of the Piscean Age have finished to enter as an inflow, yet remain active while leaving at least also a few centuries, astronomically at least until the spring equinox point moves to Aquarius ( so the time when earth day and night has the same length (21st March), and this energy point is entering the Aquarius constellation in the sky, which will be around 2700.)
The so called age of Aquarius is in various ways very different from now. On one hand people / humanity might get more androgynous, forming a closer male / female relation in itself. From the Mayan point of view and Patriarchy / matriarchy wise, we reached the age of union. So after we had two rounds of Matriarchy and Patriarchy switch, with changing the forcefield between the sexes. For Millennia, both sexes had been used to be the leading force and then fall into the forgetting and surpression, yet for the first time since millennia there will be no flip in the energy, but a union of both. Both sexes rule, in a new form of cooperation, both sides are not used to.


12.April 2016 1 day = 1 year in Dreamspell

English Version
Today, 12th April,  is a day in the energy of the current year in Dreamspell. July 26th 2015 started as Ki 114 white planetary Magician, one of the 10 Portal days that open the communication flow to cosmos, which is today also. So we succeeded in the 260 day round of the tzolkin to now be able to reflect and manifest our white planetary magician-dom.
If you would like to celebrate this special energy, i would suggest the following excercise:

  • Center your awareness in the heart. Breath joy into nature and earth, breath gratitude into your body.
  • Then focus on the way the planet itself wishes to be. try to find out how earth would like to look like, how humanity and life could be if earth has a say.
  • If it is your true wish, ask earth, what you can do for her and her connection to cosmos.
  • Wait for imuplses, intuition, or maybe later in the next weeks dreams to come in order to show you a glimpse of what the planetary logos wishes to become manifest.

Thank you !

Full moon / 2. Dreamspell and the Mayan Count

.The Dreamspell / the Mayan Connection

(for part 1 on the „9“ please read Part 1 – Ancient Astrology and the blood moon eclipse

An other measurement of 9 comes along with the Mayan tradition: the Spin of the Tzolkin lasts 9 months + a few days. So the sacred calendar of the Mayan refer to that cycle of pregnancy, and to a cosmic pulse usually unseen – eclipses and voids, windows and portals in time. The tzolkin itself has Inbreath and outbreath phases, so in fact it comes along in 18 month cycles of 2 x 9. Weiterlesen

The quality of time – towards 5th September

Just a short remark on the Quality of time. The current energies might be a bit challenging, as we are in the 10 „closing“ Portal days of the dreamspell.
The challenging energetic might occur, as the „opening“ Portal days this year were in alignment with the heliacal rising of Sirius and the New Year Energy of the Haab and the Lion’s gate, as some call it.
Sirius is quite a fiery Initiation, the energetics can be compared with the mythology of Isis – especially to the Version, where immortality can be reached for her children through the baptism of fire.
Due to this, earth might expierience a hot time, including outer fires or explosions. As Isis is also connected with the „flight“ of Horus, the child of Isis and Osiris, Trouble in flights can also be expierienced.

On September 5th there will be a world Meditation, so i expect the energies to calm down after the closing of the 10th Portal on September 5th.

The Immortal fires by the way can also be called the Kundalini energy rising, or – as the Mayan would describe it, Quetzacoat’ls energy arriving, wheras Quetzacoatl means the energy frequency of earth.
As one might get Information on the changing Schuman frequency of earth, this is a sign of this „Quetzacoat’l“ energy. Throughout the Ages, all nations had their names for occuring weather or planetary or cosmic Patterns, and the changing earth frequency can be compared in this way.

Nevertheless – no matter what Name can be given this energy… in case it is challenging, try to work with the following Affirmation:

My energies are always in a balanced harmony with the energies of the earth, the sun, the cosmic energies, my surrounding / nature and my life’s purpose.

Assassination of Boris Jefimowitsch Nemzow (Nemtsov)

AssassinationThis is the horoscope of the assassined Boris Nemzow.
When looking at the horoscopes, i was completely amazed.

The Problems in Ukraine started during the Olympics in Sotchi. Boris Nemzow was born in Sotchi.

He died, when the Ascendent was EXACTLY on his birth-horoscope-Mars (weapons, war), When the current Neptun (Martyrdom) was in Opposition to his Birth-Venus-Pluto conjunction, while Lilith was conjoing it, when the current nodes touched his BirthSun, when the running Mars was exactly on the southern node (past) of his birthchart,
This is so deeply fate and shows, that his death will cause more disturbance than anyone could ever think of.


lilith_kleinA friend of mine had bought a new set of Cards about the goddesses. I remember how I took them in my hand, it was somewhat in the mid or late 90’s. I had developed an increased sense of energie, not knowing that I did. I disliked the cards as the other side was in blackish, and found that not appropriate in terms of the goddess. On the other hand, I had a bit of a caution for everyone claiming having something to do with the goddess, as their energy was somehow funny to me.
Yet I shuffled the deck to pull one, and held in my hand a card named “Lilith”.
I read the ritual that had to do with Lilith, a ritual to set free of bindings. So one would wear a bondage for a while around wrist or ankle, and then remove it at full moon or new moon in order to set free action and movement.
I did so.
And wow, what a journey started.

About half a decade later I sat in a Seminar having to do with Aura-Soma and the kabbalah. I waited for the part to start, when in the break before we started I found myself menstruating. I did not like the idea getting in contact with the jewish mysticism when menstruating, me, a white catholic woman. I went back inside he seminarroom, telling I was menstruating and not knowing what to do. It turned out, that ALL women were menstruating. Two of us got their mensturation on the same day, one other had it regularly, another one had it out of cycle but on that day also.
I accepted, that this was a higher power at work. And sat there, when the teachers started to talk about the tree of life. They talked about the garden of Eden, Adam, Eve, the casting off… The map given to the Jews in order to find back, the story finished. No word of Lilith.
I could not believe that and insisted. Noone had a remark on her in their textbooks. And I was outraged. I knew Aura-Soma as inclusive, so not excluding something and someone.
I went back home, to write to Mike Booth, the founder of the Aura-Soma teaching lineage, and asked him on Lilith, and got his remark back, that sometimes the question is more important than the answer. But the only remark he could give me, was, that she was taken away from Adam as the gods were jealous about their love.

My real story with Lilith started on that day. Even though I had already heard of her in Astrology, I did not research it.
Yet now i did. For serveral years i studied Jewsh Mysticism that was available in German, astrology texts, apokryphic texts as well as scripture. And I decided to write my Level 4 work in Aura-Soma about her. A journey started, that now, 11 years later, still is not finished, including Aura-Soma reteacher just refusing to read and mark the work as a reseach work.

During that painstaking process and journey, in which I was challenged on all sorts of level including black magic, I travelled to America to do a sound healing seminar. I was on my journey of finding a method of healing for what happenned to me, but also to close that chapter on Lilith, to walk an other path, and maybe to write also an other Level 4 work, that would then be accepted.

At that time, i had a shop in Wiesbaden. When arriving back in my shop after about 2 weeks Absence in America, I opened the door and saw that something had fallen out of the bookshelf. A set of Cards…. All cards were on the floor, but upside down, yet one card was visible.

Lilith looked at me.

It was that set of cards that my friend had bought more than a decade ago, I had ordered it to display and sell it in my shop, and now, with noone entering the shop during my absence, this card looked at me, as the only visible.
I remember how I stood there, looking at that card. And all the intentions fell off…

My journey was not finished.

Dreamspell – middle column / mittlere Säule im Dreamspell

to read in English, please scroll down.

Eines der faszinierendsten Dinge, die ich kenne, ist die Energetik des Dreamspell. Die Letzten werden die Ersten sein – dieser Spruch gilt für die mittlere Säule. Die Mittlere Säule im Dreamspell, auf dem Foto mit einem schwarzen Rahmen markiert, ist der Wendepunkt der Energie. Man kann es vielleicht mit dem chinesischen Yin/Yang Zeichen vergleichen, der Tropfen wird immer großer, bis er zur anderem form übergeht, aus dem Schwarzen Tropfen wird dann der Weiße. Im Dreamspell ist es ähnlich, in der mittleren Säule dreht er sich, was zuoberst war, ist jetzt zuunterst. Wir habe eingeatmet, das Zentrum ist erreicht, nun beginnt das Ausatmen. Und ausgeatmet wird mit einem: last in, first out. Was als letztes hineinkam, kommt als erstes heraus. Manchmal zeigen sich die Bilder und Energien dazu noch gespiegelt, phasenverschoben oder nicht im eigenen Leben, sondern im Leben anderer, doch immer gibt es einen Sinn in dem Ein- und Ausatmen.


Vollmond / Full moon 23 June 2013

Vollmond 23. Juni 2013  Drachen-Formation mit großem Wasser Trigon  Sonne Konj. Lilith

Vollmond 23. Juni 2013
Drachen-Formation mit großem Wasser Trigon
Sonne Konj. Lilith

We are going to have quite a strong and very beautiful full moon with sun and moon in a kyte Formation with a beautiful Water Trigon, and at the same time sun conjoining Lilith. It iwll be a time for the truth.. Additonally to that, the Dreamspell reached the middle Kin 130 – the cosmic dog.. and turns to monkey one, the beginning of the Monkey wavespell.. so the dreamspell turns from inbreath to outbreath this night. it is quite an intense Weekend… so.. just to be aware of that.
in case you would like to do something – just check my „Release prayer“  for the Quetzacoat’l energy, that might release from thousands of years programms and Triggers.
Enjoy !

Solstice 2013

Happy Solstice. I greet Quetzaquoat’l consciousness back on earth. As the Task is finished, i set free and release all that had been established in order to give way or birth to this consicousness. all seals, channels, implants, programms, routines, elementals, Spirits, illusions, dimensions and dimensional grids, all walls, wires,replacements, all channels, tubes, oathes, pledges, all weddings and divorces and separations, all Relations, Blessings, children or Projects… all that had been created or called in… i recognize the consciousness and therefore adress the task fulfilled ..
may all beings be freed. may all beings, energies, elementals and Spirits come back to their own originated energy of love and grace,
may all that had been cut off or broken be able to realign and heal as each being decides and wishes.
may all of this happen as for the best of each and everyone.

2010 – das besondere Jahr

Wir haben Tag- und Nachgleiche. Es ist ein wundervoller abend, lau, sternenklar.

Der Vollmond geht auf… die Sonne geht unter… und ich begreife wieder… wie besonders dieses Jahr ist.

In alter Zeit galten die Sonnenwenden und die Tag- und Nachgleichen als besondere Zeitpunkte. So sehr, dass sie Steinkreise errichteten, kleine und große Astronomische Observatorien.

Manche berechnen diese Zeitpunkte. In Newgrange z.b. trifft 11 tage vor der Tag- und Nachgleiche ein Sonnenstrahl einen bestimmten Stein… an dem Tag selbst kommt der erste Sonnenstrahl hinein in die dunkelste Kammer… und 11 Tage später … trifft der Sonnenstrahl einen dritten Stein…

Es ist also keine Frage, ob sie es taten… diese Zeitpunkte zu berechnen. Warum sie es taten… das ist das… worum es geht.

Einige der Bauten – wie z.b. der deutsche Glauberg – gilt als Messinstrument der Mondwenden. Sonne und Mond vollziehen am Horizont auf- und untergangspunkt einen Tanz, der 18 1/2 Jahre dauert. 

2 Lilith-zyklen…

Ein Mondknotenzyklus.

Doch sie maßen noch mehr.. manche Kreise oder Bauten waren darauf ausgelegt, zu berechnen, wann Vollmonde / Neumonde stattfanden zu diesen besonderen Tagen im Jahr..


Wann… Finsternisse zu diesen Daten stattfinden.

 Nun.. haben wir dieses Jahr so ein Jahr.

heute, 21.09.2010… haben wir eine Vollmondnacht. Exakt an der Tag- und Nachtgleiche.

Im Dezember… exakt zur Wintersonnenwende… haben wir eine Finsternis.

so lasst uns dies denn feiern…


das besondere Jahr.

26.7. 2010 – 25.07.2011 – Das neue Jahr im Dreamspell

  Kin 109Der Rote Oberton Mond Die Reinigung der Wasser 

Der Mond handelt im Dreamspell.. von den Wassern. Den Wassern des Lebens. Das Neue Jahr steht im Zeichen des roten Mondes.  Die Magie des Wassers reinigt und bringt etwas in Fluss; Überwindung Der rote Mond ist der 5. Ton in der Drachenwelle – die uns zur Roten kosmischen Erde führt. Der roten Erde auf dem 13. Ton.  

Worum geht es also ? Um die Kraft der Schlange… die Lebenskraft.. und wie sie der Mensch einsetzt. Es geht darum, dass das Wasser des Lebens im Mittelpunkt steht, und nächstes Jahr die Erde sich darauf vorbereitet, den Anschluss an die kosmische Frequenz zu erlangen.. die kosmische Erde.   Weiterlesen

Die Harmonisierung der Zeitlinien

die Tür geht auf.. und vor mir steht, in mitten der kartons des Ladenumzugs, mein Heilpraktiker, der vor einiger Zeit seine Praxis aufgegeben hatte. Er reicht mir etwas… und ich kann es kaum fassen: Meine Diplomarbeit über Lilith und Aura-Soma.. in Wahrheit ist es Liebe…. Weiterlesen