The year 2017 in Dreamspell / energetic dates

The new year started in Dreamspell with the beginning of the mirror wavespell. So the start into the new year was also a start into a new wave. Due to the “Rauhnächte” the 12 sacred nights between Christmas and Epiphany, January 1st is connected with the 7th month of the year, which is also the Lion’s Gate Portal, the alignment with Sirius while the sun moves into the sign of Leo.
This indicates, that the themes, the “mirror” wave are bringing along, will also be picked up in the middle of the year, when the new year in Dreamspell occurs. Life as a mirror, on earthly, celestial or cosmic terms, will be one of the main themes in both Calendaries.
One of the main issues of José Argüelles, when finding out about the mayan timecount, was re-aligning it with cosmic events. So the Dreamspell has in itself the gift of connecting the South American ( Plejidiads & Sirius ) with the Sirius-alignment of Egypt. The haab therefore is connected to the heliacal rising of Sirius in Egypt (see )
The Dreamspell Kin “mirror” is – if you look closely – also a sky view down on the pyramid of Chichén Itza in South America – yet also on the pyramid of Saqqara in Egypt. So in this year, one of the main themes, the alignment of earthly life with celestial events and the rhythm of the cosmos will be in the main focus. The sky as a looking glass into eternity.
I would also suggest, that due to the intensity of this theme, both continents, South America and Africa, will work geomantic in a stronger way. The mirror seal itself is in connection with the Indian ocean. There might be an emphasis on the region between Madagascar and Australia, also July 2017 – 2018. in a movement of the plates or earthquakes, that may show up during the next Haab, so from July 26th 2017 – 2018

High energy dates in 2017 according to the Dreamspell

  • Middle column of the Dreamspell. 4.1. – 24.1. with the turning points on 13/14th January
  •  Closing 10 portal days: 29.1 – 8.2.2017
  •  End of the current spin / Kin 260: 23rd May 2017 AND
  •  Beginning of the new spin: 24th May 2017
    These two days mark the energy of the utmost energy shift or downward spiral – depending on where and when a human being is feeling. It marks therefore the increasing gap between the people on a creative path and the people on the destructive path, also the increasing gap between people still living spiritually and mentally in the old paradigm and people who already feel and live spiritually, mentally and sometimes even astral in the new paradigm of the Aquarian Age.
  • Day out of time: 25th July
  • Beginning of the New Year 26th July Kin 64 – cosmic seed year

eptember 2017: Echo of December2016 / January 2017  themes, reminder on all new Year’s resolutions. – if you passed your January energy it will be a time of uplift, in case janury’s themes are
this month may bring a reminder.

  • 6.9.-16.9.: 10 opening portal days.
    Refer to the time before Christmas. I would strongly suggest to mark this time in the calendar, as at this time portal in 2016 a cosmic wave was screened, that then lead to double earthquake movements. It was a cosmic energy wave in high frequency, that was registered by satellites. Here the reminding link (dutchsinse
  • 18th September 2016 – Echo of January 1st on a new level
  • 30.09.-01.10: turning of the spin
  • 10.10.20017 (=10-10-10) Kin 140 – planetary sun. The manifestation of the sun’s energy on a 10-10-10 day ! This is the lowest point of the middle column and will be a very high energetic day. This will be a reflection – or a backdraft – from 10-10-2008 (before Obama was elected) and 10-10- 2010
    10 closing portal days. 16th – 26th. October 2017:
  • Special energies: all born in 1965 will reach their Sirius-Return this year. A Sirius return means, that every 52 years the birthkin and the birthday are combined again. This indicates a kind of cosmic initiation into the own birth energy on higher levels.

Cosmic communication:
The dreamspell is, what I call, a cosmic telephone. One task, in my view, is to “home phone” – which means a free access to it and a spreading all over the world. One other – main – theme is, the connection of human consciousness to earthy life. And the energy earth is getting, as humanity sends out main themes as collective emotional impact of such a vast kind, that the cosmos answers after a while with helping waves.
So if humanity has a problem, e.g. with mourning, with impacts, and sends out the energy of vast destruction r vast emotions, the cosmos turns to it vast energies to help.
Usually, for mass emotions in the collective, it takes 2 – 3 days and you can see the impact in the sun by mirroring. Sometimes an effect yet is so strong, that you can see it in one part of the sun without mirroring the image.
January 1st in the images of SDO Princess Leia was to be seen. The death of Carry Fisher as actress and her mother Debbie Reynolds was one theme surrounding Christmas- new Year’s time during the portaldays . Yet a few days later the world showed what it mourned – it mourned the death and remembrance of Princess Leia, so earth as a collective was sending through the sun the passing of a galactic princess.
So the portal days of this year + September / October + in about 2 – 3 years time mark answers from the cosmos on this galactic feeling, as she impacted the feelings that people have towards the stars, and towards the feminine. Waves that approach earth in 2 – 3 years time will bring answer in empowerments to a new feminine expression and the passing of expression of patriarchic feminine patterns.

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