I would like to give a short update on my astrological forecast. In case you read it, you may have noticed i refer to Mexico as Earthquake relevant (article 2), but also, that the eclipses from January are now going into effect. (article 1). The january eclipse was on the sabian symbol of:
PHASE 301 (AQUARIUS 1°): AN OLD ADOBE MISSION IN CALIFORNIA. KEYNOTE: The power inherent in all great human works to endure far beyond the workers‘ life spans. THE CONCRETIZATION OF AN IDEAL
The following symbols showed the cameo of a man, and a blood / energy stream rushes into one mans head probably tdue to ego purposes.
the first earthquake in CALIFORNIA happeend on 04th of July, whiel in Washington Trump has having a military parade – something opposite to the nature of the independence day and the values of America. January 21 is the day the American presidents are inaugrated, therefore i warned that the presidency itself may alter beyond compare if Trump is not stopped. Now experiencing the earthquakes – rising in tension – on the 4th of July, in aregion that is literally mentioned in the Sabian Symbols, is a very strong reminder on energies that are shaking America it its core values. So far, all the earthquakes happened on fracking or oil or gaz pumping stations so man made fractures.The nature made fractures like St. Andreas fault are still building up the energies – the energies are not released, they just jump between the fracking and gaz-pumping sites. Energetically we see a manmade pressure building, that was not adressed since the first eclipse in January warned on the themes. Now may be the time to do so. The issues may need to be adressed individually and in the collective. As we are in the last days of the current Tzolkin spin, the pressure also in earth naturally mounts!
Please scroll down my blog.sternenfarben.de or use the archive links on the menue bar on the side of the site in order to find my articles from january eclipse and the current ones. Please visit dutchsinse on Twitch.tv or youtube in order to stay informed on the earthquakes and the pressure forecasts in America and towards Mexico. https://www.twitch.tv/dutchsinseofficial https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dutchsinse+
In past articles about the solar and lunar eclipses of spring 2019, I described the effect on three location on Earth: Hongkong, London and New York, as the energies of the first two eclipses had references to money, business and the stock exchanges. As it is with cosmic lessons, I was shown during the days that the solar eclipse of January now goes into effect, as we may see in Hongkong and other parts of the world. Also I predicted that Donald Trump would either face impeachment, (be removed as President) or that America’s democracy would be altered beyond recognition. The Arch between the eclipses of the beginning of the year and this month is activated through this eclipse and bends towards action.
For this Saroszykus however I will take other cities as reference places. One reason for this lies iwithin the Sabian symbols. When I first read the Sabian Symbol energy of the whole Saros Cycle i thought on the bible quote: „before the rooster crows twice you will deny me three times.“ (Jesus to Peter). When I began to research about the Saros Cycle and its references to historical events it struck me that it is connected in many ways to Jerusalem. On October 18, 1009, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was destroyed in Jerusalem. Two days later, the second solar eclipse of this cycle occured. The siege of Jerusalem in 1099 was also conducted under this Saros cycle.
I saw this as a possible reminder that with new impulses, humanity tends to see other skin colors or ethnicity, and other religious affiliations as unpleasant triggers of change, and persecution of members of other religions, nations or skin colors by crusades and genocides take place due to that. As you read in Article 1 – this series took place in 2001 also. Part of the questions raised by 2001 events were: Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.
Therefore i chose the energetic references as follows:
Jerusalem Rome / Vatican City Mexico City Yangon / Myanmar
The new moon / solar eclipse of July 2, 2019 for Jerusalem takes place after sunset, seen in the 5th house of the horoscope. The Nodes are located at 5/11, with Saturn / Pluto conjunction at the descending Node. Ascendant is Aquarius. Jerusalem is one of the Earth’s chakras, a heartchakra-energy point, so that hardening of collective emotions are reflected in those areas of the Earth. Hardening and geomantic problems in these regions affect the heart centers of people around the world. The axis 5/11 is about self-expression for Jerusalem / Israel. The US has recognized Jerusalem as capital, so some of the demands of Israel to the world seem to have been resolved. The current focus may be now on the questions who the (old) friends are (11th house), but since Saturn and Pluto are there, the question is who the friend n structure are, regarding time (Saturn), and nuclear power (Pluto) , The questions that arise in Jersualem are non existential as they are part of the desired self-expression. It is a creative crisis that is forming. However, due to Saturn and Pluto at the descending node, this crisis of self-expression is inextricably linked to the karma, hardness, hatred, structures and wounds of past experiences (Saturn) and the genocide of the Shoah on the Jews (Pluto). Mars Mercury in the 6th house (Mercury becomes stationary and then declines on 6/7) marks a period in which there can be war talk, tough negotiations, but also contract misinterpretations or cancellations of treaties can lead to hostilities, It can become a daily (6th house) job to make up for lost contracts by exerting effort.
The Aquarian AC seeks expression in the 3rd house (Uranus as ruler of Aquarius) and Saturn (as ancient ruler of Aquarius). The energy therefore refers to themes of the 3rd house (trade, exchange, relationships) and 11th house (friendship, alliances, affiliations). Jupiter is the highest planet in the chart, close to the MC, he catches my attention because he is the Esoteric Ruler of Aquarius, so it takes soul effort to mitigate the conflicts of self-expression and creativity
With the question of meaning (Jupiter) as focus, but with a square to Neptune the conflicts come from crude oil and the sea (Neptune). For all the world to see, since Jupiter is the highest planet, the hidden question is in openness: oil and sea access / water. Unfortunately, from the point of view of this aspect, the question that needs to be asked is canIsrael handle a country of Iran doing well. A well-doing country has less interest in belligerently reaching out to others. It may becoming apparent while Israel sees nuclear power as a threat (due threats from the past), the real issue is the fear of a Iran in wealth, abundance and land resources of oil. Therefore, the oil trade and the waterways (Neptune) – and the allegations against Iran – remain within strong focus. Reminder: It is about the new impulses that should be welcomed, but which could be caricatured by clownish absurd gestures.
2nd Vatican:
Since the symbol of the crowing cock is so much associated with betrayal of the actual faith and the „tradition“ of followers, I chose Rome / Vatican City as another city, and found the node axis at DC / AC, at one of the most energetic points in a horoscope. i The solar eclipse / new moon is located in the 6th house, directly below the horizon, with Jupiter, a rising Saturn and still visible but setting Mars.
The new moon / solar eclipse in the 6th house shows that the themes in the Vatican revolve around the daily intercession / daily direction, the daily work of the Church. It’s about the ministry that she does on a daily basis and wants or should do. At present, these actions are obsolete structures (Saturn at the descending MK) old power structures (Pluto-Saturn) and a senile, old-fashioned, obsessive denial of female energies and sexuality. Pluto Saturn on the descending trigger images of Inquisition and torture. One interpretation could be that the catholic church as such could struggle with the crusting of the past in terms of violence, power, domination, aging and the betrayal of the true values of Christianity. Actually, as Benedict was inaugurated during a solar eclipse in 2005, and as he was the chair of the Inquisition, one could assume the death of the Pope. But Benedict is no longer „the“ Pope, and so it may be that the structures under Pope Francis, who wanted to bring Church back to original ideals and service of humanity, are shaken in a deeper way. In a positive sense, the structural changes can take hold, and the actions of the church could move to new impulses, but the energy itself has so much axis position and is beaming rigidity that it could be that the structures themselves are directed against the (current) Pope ,
Here, too, a reminder: It’s about the new impulses that should be welcomed, but which could be caricatured by clownish absurd gestures. Pluto at the AC has a special energy because Scorpio is at the MC, This emphasises that the orientation to the new, to the true calling and purpose of the church needs to be done, if it was not too busy with the past (descending node)
3. Mexico
At first, I was not sure which location to choose for the American continent. For reasons related to geomancy, I wanted to describe Brasilia – as this place and South America in particular will be geometically activated differently in the coming decades. Brasilia is an example of being prepared for change. However, due to the issues of the „concentration camps“ at the US border with the Mexican / South American refugees and the closeness to the Mayan themes, Mexico is the focal point.
The solar eclipse can be seen in Mexico in the middle of the day, right at the MC of the horoscope. The misery that takes place on the border region in America is out of proportion to the actual energy of the horoscope (and in Mexico), which is directly turned upwards to the direction of reorientation. The horoscope is bursting with new energies if people and politics in the country were only ready and able to see. Because solar eclipses generally indicate a change of power, North, middle and especially South America is a focal point of political changes (See my prediction on the change of the US President – or the structural change in democracy within US). When tuning into Mexico City’s horoscope, the only thing I see is an extremely strong beam of energy, an exact focus towards an event or momentum. May the region be prepared for this, otherwise with Uranus in Taurus (fix earth) the blockage could be so strong that strong earthquakes are possible. in this case, these earthquakes would be triggered by non-existent structures and non responding humans, so that the effect of the energy beam would need to go straight into the earth „unanswered“ and therefore destructive. (Saturn as fixation point, Pluto as volcanic or other deep earth energy, Uranus in Taurus as very strong energy movement in fixed Earth). Since Libra is on the AC of the horoscope, it’s about balancing the energies. The extreme pillar of light that I perceive could result in bursting of structures and cracks in the soil.
4. Yangon / Myanmar
The solar eclipse takes place in the night and morning hours of July 3 for the Asian region. For Burma, the focus is on the 3rd house – trade, transport, education, infrastructure of the country. I chose Myanmar as a country, because the relationship to the Rohingya is an unresolved issue, and genocide-like conditions show against this population, which is denied citizenship in Burma. This situation is somehow similar to the conditions at the US border – violations of human rights – yet in terms of the Rohingya it is very severe and lasta already for a quite long time.
In addition, I chose Yangon as it exemplifies another situation. Yangon was the capital of Myanmar / Burma until an astrologer asked the government to relocate the capital’s headquarters as a disaster twas possible. as they agreed, the new capital was planned and built for a time to come, with a possible population far beyond the current inhabitants, with streets and infrastructures so large for a metropolis to come. Shortly after the government moved to the new city, a typhoon almost completely destroyed the previous capital Yangon, killing tens of thousands of people.
To me, Yangon is a symbol of how an elite prepares for a situation by requesting and relying on ancient knowledge / wisdom of the future, providing the infrastructure for another time and age, yet selfishly moving themselves to safety while at the same time ignoring its own population and their needs. Any political responsibility that leaders have to show towards the population was taken to absurdity. A government ishould be there for the people, but in Myamar, this movement shows a vast self-interest and a sense of being seprated from the people.
The solar eclipse is in the 3rd house of Yangon at the axis 3/9. Since the third house symbolizes trade and education, infrastructure and a kind of „fraternity“, with Mercury and Mars included in this house these issues may become problem areas. Education and the education system (3rd house / university 9th house), trade, banks, money supply, law and order, jurisdiction could become problem areas or may have to change for new impulses. On the outside, the rigidity of old structures turn to visibility (9th house – Saturn / Pluto at the highest point in the night sky), as well as issues regarding structural) persecution (Pluto / Saturn). With Uranus at AC in Taurus, the country could either be ravaged by unrest (which would be fed with Mars / Mercury in the 3rd house – as seen in Hongkong) or Myanmar could be vulnerable to earthquakes. Uranus at AC shows that the country has strong renewal impulses, which it has to implement, as an energetic action. This should be reflected in improved infrastructure, improved education, improved living conditions, improved human rights situations, all actions and actions should address these issues. Yangon’s solar eclipse energies therefore act as a call to inner action in the sense of building social structures that are consistent with the population as a whole.
As i describe Rangun for the Asian area, this focus can be applied to the countries and population on the continent (e.g. Hongkong)
Dreamspell – the quality of TIME
The solar eclipse takes place mainly in the energy of Kin 250:
On one hand thre is a strong energyfocus towards the development and expression of the quality of loyalty and unconditional love. Due to the seal „dog“ and the triggered white spectrum on the other hand, the energetic focus globally is on North America / Alaska and thus on a shift in the energies of the (old) North Pole. However, since it is the third tone (electric), one of the issues is the misuse of energies; in Alaska, the world’s first haarp facility was built, therefore Alaska stores the misuse of electrical energy by using the atmosphere as a mirror for other areas on the globe. Under this kin, the templates may release problems related or caused by this energy.
It is the 3rd seal/tone of the star wave, the last wave in the current Tzolkin spin. Thematically, this means that especially the electrical and pranic energy, e.g. nerve impulses may get an exxtra energy inflow during the eclipse. In addition, all energies mount towards polarization: unresolved conflicts intensify in negative spirals just as positive energies siral upwards simultaneously. This can lead to a separation of energies, a growing gap in timelines and realities.
The current month of July focusses also towards the New Year‘ – a 13-year cycle is coming to an end, a new 13-year cycle begins on 26 July. Therefore, the current polarizations tend to crystalization, unresolved issues of the last decade may need to be let go of into greater awareness and consciousness.
Unconditionality, the attitude of „allowed to be“ is one of the layers of energy in this solar eclipse. Allowing a situation or an energy to be – while at the same time aiming towards the change (of loyalty and unconditional love).
Sirius is also called the dog star in astrology, this seal, kin 250, is an opening of the white spectrum, the power of the dog is about bringing cosmic energy to Mercury. For the solar eclipse, this means that there is a direct energy mixture of the white galactic spectrum blended with Sirius, distributed to Mercury and his position. Since Mercury turns stationary and then retrograde as seen from Earth these energies may rather show up in dreams, inner movements, visions, new projects and blend into next year as a „white“ year.
For those of you who would like to know what connection be made between the color system of Aura-Soma and the Dreamspell: The Eclipse has a connection to the birth of the B108, Archangel Jeremiel as B108 was born on a Kin 250 day.
As you can read from Asiact’s first thoughts, one of the issues raised with the birth of B108 is the „Israel“ question. http://www.asiact.org/archive/bottles/bottle.asp?bottle=108 …
with many blessings
Octavia / 02.07.2019
In case you are interested to hear more about your own connection of your horoscope and your Kin with this energy, feel free to contact me for a reading.
In the following article, I would like to discuss the energies of the eclipse / new moon in various sections, but first I would like to give a brief introduction to the structure itself.According to Alice Bailey, three important streams of forces are at work:1. The cosmic energies and cycles (the galaxy in relation to the universe)2. The energies in our solar system (in relation to the galaxy/Universe)3. Earth (Relative to the Sun / Solar System – Galaxy – and Universe).The cosmic energies and cycles are described by the precession, e.g. the time it takes for the equinox to move through the zodiac / ecliptic. According to Alice Bailey however, there is also a larger zodiac with a kind of cosmic precession of about 250,000 years at work, and a smaller one of about 26,000 years. In this smaller cycle, we on earth measure the ages: we are still in the age of Pisces as the springequinox takes place in Pisces while we move towards Aquarius. However, the cosmic forces of the larger cycle also manifest themselves on Earth in a special way as they trigger the pole shift and Earth-axis realignments. So the earth is involved in this great cycle through its planetary changes. (see AAB/Esoteric Astrology 408 ff)The cosmic forces in the great cycle of 250,000 years AAB sees in relation to the monad, the smaller precession of the equinoxes in relation to the soul. Planetary fluctuations have personality implications.Alice Bailey emphasizes that many do not include the energies of the Earth in the interpretation of the horoscopes. Another effect, that of Sirius, is often missing too. I would like to close this gap in a particular way.For both energy effects, the effect of Sirius on the Earth, and Earth’s communication in the cosmic currents, I see the Dreamspell as the means to capture and describe these energies in a way one can attune to them. Argüelles emphasized that he sees the Dreamspell / the need for a calendar change as one of the means by which people can adapt to the great changes through the cosmic forces. I agree with him and see the Dreamspell as a kind of transmitter of the cosmic forces in many ways.Therefore, my articles regarding the energy of solar eclipses are divided as follows:The cosmic energy cycles are captured by me through the description of the Saros cycle, in which I give a description of the energy impulses that act from the beginning to the present time. I am still exploring this topic because I am beginning to shed some light on other cycles as they each describe other mathematical-cyclic – and thus geometric-cyclic energies. (Saros Cycle 18, Meton 19, but these are only 2 of different forms of Earth’s eclipse interaction in relation to the Moon / Sun).The interpretation of the horoscope e.g to different energy centers or cities of the Earth in case there are certain regions of the Earth that seem to absorb or act out the energy of the larger cycles in a different way.The Dreamspell on two levels: as a measure of the great energy cycle to Sirius, (with the beginning of the Haab in July and at the beginning of each new spin of the Tzolkin).
And as a measure of the Sirius-Earth – Earth to humanity interaction: the daily contemplation of the Kins.With this introduction I would like to turn to the current topics.
The Cosmic Cycle / Saros Solar 127
Saros Solar 127 began in 991 its rhythm. The energy impulse, expressed as Sabian symbol, is:
PHASE 203 (LIBRA 23°): CHANTICLEER’S VOICE HERALDS SUNRISE. KEYNOTE:A creative and joyous response to life processes. Keyword: RESPONSE TO LIFE’S RENEWALS.
The great impulse of the saros cycle is to make awake us to the cyclical changes in life and to welcome the sunrise again and again. Sunrise on Earth is the beginning of light, the beginning of the day, something one can rely on Earth that it happens. We measure our time according to the availability of light during a day, and the lack of it at night. Dane Rudhyar, in his way, emphasizes the symbol that in an interesting way: the rooster may think he is crowing in the sun, If he did not crow, the sun would not come. But from another point of view one knows: If the sun would not (seemingly) rise, the cock would not crow. The energy cause and its effect may be different than one may often think.So, the big impetus of the dawning a new era may not be something that people can call in that matter of sense, it’s something to which they respond cyclically and, if not conscious, it may be a kind of instinct.Solar eclipses, however, are now times of transformative effects. Often they show the opposite outcome or impact. Where rigidity prevails, the new impulse is often perceived as painful.An example that concerns me, and why this article has a certain length, has to do with the fact that this Saros series was the one of the fateful year of 2001. There was a solar eclipse on the summer solstice, on June 21, 2001, which belonged to the same series.The energy of that particular solar eclipse was:
KEYNOTE: A radical change of allegiance exteriorized in a symbolical act: a point of no return.
2001 was a decision year for the entire earth. Argüelles called 9/11 „the inevitable event“ S Since hearing this term, I’ve tried to understand what he meant found an incredible amount of energetic connections of cause and effect, yet there is not enough space to describe them int his article. To put it in a simple way, humanity created (especially in the last century), many events whose themes and impact remained unresolved while negating the cosmic impulses for change. From a planetary perspective: as the changes Earth undergoes have not been (sufficiently) consciously supported by humanity, there seems to have been the necessity of a major event. In this symbolic way, a flag change, a point of no return, took place in 2001 while the energies of this sabian symbol were activated. The bigger theme was bout an inner attitude of humanity in general, to him/herself, to the world, how we interact with each other – and how we deal with the energies around us. Is it about money, capital, soil, resources, profit, war, geopolitics, domination, shadow work (projecting the own shadow / unconsicous on others) … or …. Nature, Spirit, Soul, Value, Cooperation, Peace, Change, Awareness, Integration. These are just a few of the topics that can be mentioned shortly. Looking at the US flag as a symbol of this change, one can see that humanity under the leadership of George W. Bush initially continued to move even more rigidly to the first side mentioned. Then there was an 8-year period of waking up and cooperation, with impulses that are still working – but currently there is again a phase of – seemingly absurd – rigidity and isolationism.
The keyword „Absurd“ gets me to the current solar eclipse energy in the sense of the saros cycle:
PHASE 101 (CANCER 11°):A CLOWN CARICATURING WELL-KNOW PERSONALITIES. KEYNOTE:The value of humor in developing objectivity and independence of mind. Keyword: DECONDITIONING
The underlying theme of adaptation to new impulses shows in ever stronger, absurd, clownish images. A phase of humor is appropriate to deal with the issues that are revealed. However, it can also have the effect of negating some of the topics in such a way that the events take an absurd, clownish character pr turn that can be very painful. Distortions of the energies to be transformed, energy impulses that have dazzling character, yet are not recognized in essence – however one describes the „clown“ energy, it may be good advice to see the distortions with a dose of humor. This may be one of the many ways in which humanity can respond, can react, while being too lazy and reluctant to change, or even denying the necessity of it. However, as emphasized in the previous sections, a solar eclipse often has transformative character in the sense that things turn out to be challenging. In this sense, the clownesque would not be a way to deal with it, but it would bring more challenges and crises caused by it.
— to be continued with article 2 on the horoscopes and Dreamspell energy…
Heute (30. Mai) ist im Dreamspell der Beginn eines neuen Monates, wir sind in der roten Mondwelle, und heute, am Monatsbeginn, ist der Tag der solaren Erde. Dieser Monat ist besonders und einzigartig. Wir sind am Ende eines 13 Jahre Zyklus, in dessen Zeitspanne wir den Zeitsprung in 2012 machten, der, wie in früheren Artikeln erwähnt, exakt in der Mitte der 13 Jahre passierte – also 7 Jahre nach Anfang und noch 7 Jahre zum Ende der Welle hin, am Herzpunkt eines jeweiligen Zyklus/einer Welle. Das Zeitfenster des 21. Dezember 2012 wurde von den Hathoren bis zum 23. Dezember offen gehalten, der 23. Dezember war Kin 209, die rote Mondwelle. Kin 209 war auch der Beginn der 13 Jahre, in deren Mitte 2012 lag. Nun sind wir inmitten der Kin 209 Welle – und damit in einem Zeitfenster / Rückkopplung der gesamten 13 Jahre – 2012 – und allen Zeitaltern, die damit verbunden waren – jedoch aus dem Fokus der Erde. Falls es Gefühle von Überladungen gibt, falls es Gefühle von Herzenge oder anderen Beschwerden gibt, habe ich folgenden Tipp: So wie 2012 der Herzpunkt der Welle war, so verläuft unsere Kommunikation mit der sonne über das Herzchakra – speziell über den hinteren Ausgang des Herzchakras, an der Wirbelsäule. Die Verbindung zur Sonne und zur Erde erneuert sich, damit wäre ein Vorschlag, bewußt den hinteren Ausgang, das solare Herzchakra, zu aktivieren und harmonisieren – so dass es den vergangenen Zyklus von 13 Jahren abschließen, und sich auf die neuen Frequenzen gut einstellen kann. Diese Harmonisierung kann so erfolgen, wie es für jeden am besten ist: mit Wünschen, mit bitte an die Engel, Pomander, Quintessenzen, Visualisierungen, Meditationen, oder mit Affirmation oder Autosuggestion Hier ein Vorschlag von mir: „mein Herzchakra harmonisiert sich… mein Sonnenherzchakra harmonisiert sich, mein Herzchakra, Sonnenherzchakra stimmt sich auf die für mich beste Weise auf den kommenden Zyklus und die Sonne-Erde Verbindung ein“
Zusätzlich kann es sehr hilfreich sein, die Herzchakra-Attunement der Hathoren zu hören, und dabei die Aufmerksamkeit sanft auf dem Herzchakra ruhen zu lassen. Die „heart dimensional attunement“ kann (neben anderen Meditationen) kostenlos auf der Homepage von Tom Kenyon heruntergeladen werden, wenn man seine Nutzungsbedingungen durchliest und ihnen zustimmt. https://tomkenyon.com/listening
Today (30th may) in dreamspell is the start of the new month, in the Energy of Kin 217. It is a very special time and month, as… it is in the Wavespell of the red moon, kin 209. As mentioned in former articles, kin 209 is a very special kin, as it was the start of the 13 year cycle in which we are in, that we are closing in July, and where at the heart of the wave was 2012 as year and galactic inflow. The winter solstice 2012 was guided by the Hathors in a 3 day vortex that opened on kin 207 – crystal hand, and closed on – yes – kin 209 – the new wave in the red moon quality, that was the start of the 13 year cycle. Now we have the start of a new month, and it is the solar earth, in this red moon wave, so we are in a vast time window and time loop to the energies of 2012, the passing 13 years, and all eons that led to 2012 and were included in the time beam of 2012. Solar Earth means, the earth aligns anew to the sun. It does so through one very particular chakra, the heart chakra, and especially the back of the heart chakra at the back of the spine, in the middle of the spine, near the second body location. So in case you feel an irritation, overstimulation, paine or any other stress – or maybe you just like to do some adjustments – i would suggest the following excercise of harmoniszing this solar-heart-chakra, so that the 13 year cycle can pass in grace and the adaption to the incoming communication and energy from and through the sun can adapt to the coming 13 year cycle. you may do this in the way that is best for you – eg. meditation, visualisation, pomander, quintessence, Quantum healing, angelic help, or just by affirmation and progressive relaxation method. in case you may like an affirmation, you may use the following or similar to it: „my heart chakra is harmonizing, my solar heart chakra is balancing and harmonizing the energ flow between sun and earth in the best possible way for my whole being. i am in a balanced alignment with my solar angel and the celestial beings and perfectly harmonized through my solar chakra system in my body on Earth. „;-)
Additionally i would suggest to do the „heart chakra“ sound meditation from Tom Kenyon / the Hathors you will find it in the „listening“ section on Tom Kenyons Homepage – if you read and agree to his terms of listening and use, you will be guided to a section of free downloads. There you will find the heart attunement meditation. when listening to it, just focus gently on your heart. https://tomkenyon.com/listening
1. Geomantical in which I explain the meaning of the Sabian Symbol of the full moon from a different point of view 2. a section, where the horoscope and the collective impact is described 3. a view on WESAK and the energy of the Dreamspell Kin on this day – blending in to the “good news” of this energy
1. Sheila na Gig – / “ the woman past her change of life experiences a new love. (Hu)men’s capacity to rise in consciousness and feelings above biological limitations.” (Sabian Symbol for the Sun at 27-28 degree Taurus / Today’s full moon) – the full text of the Sabian Symbols you find at the end of this article)
The German translator of the goddess card set told me a story: when the Goddess Oracle Cards were sent to a publisher, they refused, or to be precise, accepted only if the card for Sheila na Gig was removed (or altered to a better look). But Amy Sophia Marashinsky, the Author of the book, refused and insisted. So finally, the publisher accepted and the Card set was printed with that card.It happens that Sheila Na Gig is the sacred goddess of the Druids in the hyperborean area, remembered in Ireland and Great Britain. Her image with her vulva open is on old churches in Ireland, strangely enough these churches were build with them,, giving her, the dark goddess, a place in catholic churches. While googling, what is available in the internet about her, I saw many images trying to “beautify” her, making her younger with waving hair. But that is a disrespect to these places and her as goddess, denying a stage of life. Additionally it is a deep misunderstanding on the energy of the places where she is applied and seen, but a sign of the times we are in. When I visited some of these sites, my instant geomantic awareness told me they are sacred places with special dragon lines at work. The goddess is “open” as these lines are open. People should be open to these energies also. These are and were places of a very special, ancient, wise energy, a wisdom that usually comes in the human realm with age, quite often expressed by elderly women in a tribe. They are libraries of a wisdom almost forgotten on earth, where currently “puer and puella aeternus” are worshipped (if you are interested, I would suggest the book of Marie Louise von Franz: Puer aeternus). I was pleased to see the last remark in Dane Rudhyars symbol, referring a bit to this wisdom that I was perceiving at these places:
“(…)the symbolism stresses (hu)man’s capacity to rise above the limitations which both biological nature and the „normal“ social pattern of behavior have tried to impose on him/her. As in many of the preceding symbols, a „woman“ is pictured, because at this early stage of the cyclic process the individual consciousness still has a receptive or „feminine“ polarity” (…)he or she should freely open his or her mind to the possibility of always new REBEGINNINGS. Ideally, the new beginning should imply a more mature response to the new possibility of experience”
Dane Rudhyar, and Astrological Mandala, see Footnote
The places where Sheila na Gig is seen are places to be open for a wisdom we usually don’t have any longer, a wise mind, a wise, educated emotion towards the stages of life and the changes that can occur on Earth. They are places where one can deeply root into the Earth but has to remain open for a love to life beyond the wild sexual loaded engagement that usually is forced upon people. There dragon lines, energy lines, are meeting, that in my view don’t have a name yet in the Geomantic community, but are known to the druids that live wisely and in love with Earth and her beings, including all human races.The image of the open vulva of a really old woman is something we can not accept in modern society, where “this place” should only be open as young as can be as long as a woman is beautiful (not even essentially as long as she is fertile, but as long a she can keep her body firm, she can have her vulva open). This openness is then taken gladly by energy seekers, trying to make their own lives younger, staying in power, neglecting the power of a stage beyond the cycles the own life knows so far. Yet a Full Moon means an opposition of Sun and Moon, whith Moon in the position of alignment with Earth – so the opposite site is important too. Here i first took the wrong reference to then find the “King of the fairies approaching his realm.” In Sheila na Gigg and her reference to the hyperborean dream – kept by the druids – both images meet. We are surrounded by realms where we lost the word for it, creating images of “human” kings in a spirit world – yet both worlds belong together. In former times, one was initiated into the wisdom in a later age. Each stage of life has its wisdom, yet some wisdom was only given to a certain life-span – as it included the richness of life and a mind that wa opened by life for it. The fairy king may be an interesting image for an other underlying nergy of today’s full moon – the re-birth of the Buddhic energy, that the buddhist are celebrating in the Taurus-Full-Moon the rebirth of the buddha consciuosness of Buddha Shakyamuni, born into a royal family, so into a worldly kingdom – which he then left to bring an other consciousness into the world. Buddha was born on the Taurus Full moon – reached his enlightenment during the Taurus full moon – and left his body on the Taurus full moon. He brought with him a consciousness that maybe Dane Rudhyar in his interpretation referred to:
“(..) The capacity in man to recognize and to pay homage to an integrating Principle at the core of all existence. (..)the presence of a spiritual unifying factor begins to be sensed by the individual perhaps weary of the outer shows of his culture.”
Dane Rudhyar, an Astrological Mandala – see Footnote.
2. Horoscope – Quality of time:
If we look at the horoscope, we see the full moon at the end of Taurus/Scorpio. The Moon is void of course, so no planet is beyond 28 degrees.. The first planet, the energy that is produced in the moment of the full moon will meet a planet when the moon enters the next sign, as Mars and Lilith are between 1 – 2 degrees (Cancer / Pisces). Lilith, in my understanding, has one facet that aligns with the dark goddess – and roots deeply in sacred sites on Earth due to her cyclic nature. Mars is the planet of war aggression and male sexuality. So the first energy receiving this energy is similar – yet different – as both Lilith and Mars tend to externalize the energies in actions. People may cook on their inner with anger, resentments, suppressed emotions, reaching a level of “enough” on various topics. The energy will be in a square and a quincunx mode – so irritations and strong and sharp pressure may accompany it. The next impulse will come within hours (aprox. half a day), as then the moon reaches the degrees of Venus/Uranus conjunction (3 -5 degree Taurus). Again a quincunx is forming yet of a different angle, which in this version may mean, that the moon may form a Yod – the finger of god – pointing to issues that need to be solved. Venus and Uranus are a high vibrant energy field – the magnetic nature of Venus meets with the electric nature of Uranus, turning to a neutral then again an overflow into the electric energy impulse. It may be up to this that the crack, that formed in earth’s atmosphere, may produce other strange effects. When the moon starts to form the YOD, Sun conj. Mercury of today’s Full moon will be the discharging point creating a boomerang effect. I therefore think there may be strange effects from the Sun coming, solar flares are possible (solar flares on the other side of the sun, not earth related, would show, that we communicate with the cosmos and that the current energy tries to discharge through the sun into the cosmos). If the Sun flares towards earth, then the cosmic energy discharges towards us, we have to face the energy directly. As Mercury is involved, we may also see a discharging or effects on communication systems, traffic, telecommunication, and all sorts of electric devices, in sudden happenings or accidental incidents. The full moon – the Sun – is in a trine aspect to the nodes and Saturn / Pluto conjunction. The means of this energy is to really ponder on the structures on Earth, whether they are life giving , life sustaining or life taking. Whether they are fitting the sign of the times, the needs we face now and will come and emerge, or whether this all is denied and the structure tightened in rigidity. It will be up to this energy tightening or to the consciousness of awareness – the consciousness that change has to happen even if a structure is rigid – that will define the outcome of the supercharge aspects that is here to produce wisdom and an other view of life and the female energy.
3. Wesak – Dreamspell
In Dreamspell we are slowly approaching the end of the current spin. We are in the warrior wavespell, and the day of the full moon is Kin 205, red planetary serpent. The planetary tone is the tone of manifestation, representing the two hands of a body that were able to manifest an outcome. The Serpent is one view on the Kundalini energy, with the planetary tone in alignement we could also talk on the planetary Kundalini. The warrior and the warrior wave in Dreamspell does not stand for the military – not for the war fought with arms, but for the bravery and knighthood on the inner, the courage to see the things in clarity and to alter the own life expression according to the soul energy influx. A Warrior is a warrior of light, the energy is here to fulfill the dream the soul, the earth and the cosmos is dreaming. As I explained in an article a few days ago on the portal day of the night, there are self existing dreams we can enter, that pour from the sun (through the sun wave – the influx of the solar logos, that is Love/Wisdom in its nature) – or in the Warriof wave the galactic dream, so to become aware of the greater dream outside and to align life and goal and destination with it. The red serpent gives the energy to manifest, the energy Earth as a planet is holding inside her. Kin 205 is a spectral day, so we align with a part of the universe, the source of the “red” energy in it. Wesak is the high feast in Buddhism, and one of the three full moons of meditation one should align with. Buddha Shakyamundi was born on full moon in Taurus and left his body on full moon in Taurus. So the Buddhist community celebrates this day as the birth of compassion, the birth of the wisdom of the Buddha, The Buddha himself is reborn in each and all. Through this energy, the outpouring of the love/Wisdom thee Buddhist consciousness is having, the possibility arises, that this energises the red planetary serpent energy in such a way, that Earth can recharge her Kundalini towards the wise wisdom, that is also seen in the Sun Symbol of the woman past her changes, instead the military parades as seen in the other imagery. I would therefore suggest to join the energy in a meditation.
May the stars shine brightly on your path, and may your own star guide your way.
Octavia / 18th May 2019
4. Sources:
Sabian Symbols via Mindfire.ca – Dane Rudhyar Archive, altered by the author, that added (Hu) in front of “men” to address the universalilty of the energy
PHASE 58 (TAURUS 28°): A WOMAN, PAST HER „CHANGE OF LIFE,“ EXPERIENCES A NEW LOVE. KEYNOTE: (Hu)mans’s capacity to rise in consciousness and feelings above biological limitations.After having stated the youthful and the aged approach of the human individual to the use of what his culture has brought to him, the symbolism stresses human’s capacity to rise above the limitations which both biological nature and the „normal“ social pattern of behavior have tried to impose on him. As in many of the preceding symbols, a „woman“ is pictured, because at this early stage of the cyclic process the individual consciousness still has a receptive or „feminine“ polarity — as was indicated in the very first symbol of the entire cycle (Aries 1°).Whenever this third stage of the twelfth sequence is brought to a person’s consciousness, the indication is that he or she should freely open his or her mind to the possibility of always new REBEGINNINGS. Ideally, the new beginning should imply a more mature response to the new possibility of experience.
PHASE 238 (SCORPIO 28°): THE KING OF THE FAIRIES APPROACHING HIS DOMAIN.KEYNOTE: The capacity in man to recognize and to pay homage to an integrating Principle at the core of all existence.This rather peculiar picture tells us perhaps a good deal about the limitations of the mind of the clairvoyant who saw it, though it can be related to the symbolism of the various creatures of a spirit world mentioned in some alchemical and Rosicrucian books. What seems to be implied is that beyond both outer nature and the realm of the proud ego, a spiritual world exists to which the intuitive consciousness of man can pay allegiance. In that world, all manifested entities are seen as multiple aspects of a central Power and Consciousness. It is such a central principle of unity that human societies have sought to revere symbolically in human, all-too-human kings. In an individual sense, this principle is the Self.This is the third stage in the forty-eighth five-fold pattern of symbols. It adds a new dimension to the two preceding ones. At this stage the presence of a spiritual unifying factor begins to be sensed by the individual perhaps weary of the outer shows of his culture. An INNER ALLEGIANCE begins to polarize the consciousness.
Today, 30. September 2018, we start the Eagle Wavespell in Dreamspell. It is only
25 days to go to the end of the current 260 day spin, which can be seen on the small miniature Tzolkin.
It is a blue wavespell that starts, and in 13 days, the yellow star wave will lead to the end of the current spin. In the wording of Valum Votan / José Argüelles, we will climb the stairs to the emerald tower during the star wave.
Yet back to the here and now: what is the Eagle wavespell about? I describe special points in the wave, in order to give an impression of the hidden, background energetic. In the first 7 days of the wave, we start with thoughts and actions to build a momentum. On the 7th– the resonant day, the energy reaches the middle of the wave, starts to be in resonance with the greater whole. In the 8th tone it communicates with the galactic center, in the 9th with the solar energy, and then manifests on Earth. So I describe special points in the wave, for they are usually quite clearly to see and provide an understanding of the own energy in the whole.
Yet each day is special, of course… 😉
So the focus points of my articles is :
the starting impulse – this is the eagle
the manifesting energy in the 10th seal, what is the manifestation about? What outcome shall be reached?
the spectral day, which spectrum does the energy usually reach, what range does it have, to which rays or levels it filteres down, building various timelines or energy lines of resonance
the 12th tone: what is the cooperation about? who is cooperating or what for do we cooperate?
the 13th tone – to what cosmic energy doorway leads this wavespell. What or who is the cosmic energy in this wave, to which layers and dimensions can one climb through that wave.
The Portal days in a wavespell
The starting impulse of the wave is the eagle energy. The eagle is about the vision. Remember, we came out of the breath wavespell that aligns us with the breath of god, that can be the words we speak, or the air we breathe here on earth. So after realizing this breath of god, the divine movement of intention and life sustaining, we reach the vision of god. in breathing in and out, we get aligned with the “all that is” will to live and what line of development it may follow, what intention it has. On the personal level this may show in dreams or clear knowing and insight about the own flow of attention in life, the own focus, of inner longings, projects, what may lay ahead. One may gain the overall view on the own circumstances, sudden views of interconnectedness like e.g. small streams tand creeks mount into other flows, and form a larger iver.
The Eagle as animal totem is the overall view, the panoramic awareness one can gain in the flight, soaring high. the eagle is able fall down from this height with absolute focus in order to get its prey, and then climb up into the air again with its food. It nests are usually high in rocks or trees, it is a being of the height, only climbing down touching earth if it needs food.
In the wavespell of the earth it may therefore be a focus on panoramic awareness , one can gain if detached from the ground, detached from the daily human issues.
In a wavespell, the manifesting energy is the tenth tone. In this wave, it shows what the ability of the eagle is focused upon. Maybe even what prey it may get. The planetary tone of manifestation, the prey, the eagle looks for to feed itself, is the „Seed“ energy. What seeds did we plant in soil, what seeds we are about to plant, if we get the overall picture? Do we change our life and our life strategy, the direction life takes, if we get the overall picture? De-tached at least a bit from the daily sorrows and worries, if we soar at least a bit into the air and sky, do we then change our seeds, our deeds, our thoughts, our intention to something bigger, that suits the panoramic awareness?
The cooperation in this energy is the white worldbridger, Keme, which is one synonym for death. not all seeds we plant in this life, not all plants we harvest in this one. sometimes we have to die to be reborn, sometimes the ego has to die. or the problems have to die. the cooperation Is the letting go energy. Once we may get the overall picture, we realize, that some stuff isn’t worth it, so we let go of it. ‚Or we may see, other things are more important, so we re-organize our lives.
the 13th tone, the cosmic window, that gets available, is the „Hand.“
The actions we do, the actions we are capable of, get cosmic in energy. we are no longer earth bound in the actions we take, but the energy an action carries influences and we get cosmic energy adding to our actions, so they have more impact. Yet the hand stands also for something else. if you combine the thumb and the index finger, as seen in the symbol of the hand, you get the size of your own pranic tube. So the hand is also about the energy you put into it, and the pranic energy you build up. The prana that each being is carrying needs to be taken care of, by wise action, and then it shows through wise action. If the pranic energy, the energy that is building the light body and the energy field / aura around us, is well, the mind is clear and sharp. if the pranic energy gets out of focus, one can get dizzy or unclear. If you have the chance and luck to read the book on the Hathors by Tom Kenyon, you see, that a lot of their excercíses focus on building up and maintaining the pranic energy in a being, in order to stay clear, focused, and bright and aware to the cosmic information pouring in.
So in the Eagle wavespell it is about this energy field, that enables then the view of the eagle, and the view of the eagle enables a being to build up its energies, and use them wisely according to the seeds that are planted, that need to be planted, in the energies here up to the very ancient roots this planets is having.
The portal days:
In this wavespell there are two portal days. the Storm, kin 239, the overtone storm, is a portal day. The overtones of a sound, the energies that are also there, next to our intention and purpose, make a portal and create a storm that can help transform thoughts and actions on all levels and timelines.
The spectral tone, the spectrum of the energy, is the other portal day in this wave. Kin 241, the red spectral dragon. Earth herself has various dragon lines, and somehow this energy describes a very ancient motherly energy on Earth herself that connects to the cosmos. So the range of the panoramic awareness, the spectrum to which it breaks itself down in the spectral tone, is the ancient energy of earth as a whole, to the portals of the dragon energies she carries.
The (personal) vision
usually in Dreamspell I get a vison at the end and / or at the beginning of a wave. This night – again – I had dreams of harder times to come, regarding electricity. I had various dream scenes of huge thunderstorms with electric lightnings that are far beyond in energy as we had so far in the past centuries. Huge amounts of rain flodded earth in large thunderstorms. the lightnings put out electricity and mobile communication, therefore disrupting our outer telecommunication system. Also the energy fields of people were charged with energies that was hard to deal with.
yet the visions had also a softer scenery, people that sat on the bank of a river that was flowing like a vast stream, enjoying the flow of energy.
and so I see this as the twofold possibilities – if aligned with the cosmic energy, the energy may be like a huge river flowing where one can sit at the shores and banks to enjoy the day and to plan what to do,
or it may be like a vast discharge, if the energy system is not ready for it, or if ruptures in the energy on inner and outer occur. in that it is wise to take shelter and to wait until the storm had passed, and my advice is to shut down technical devices, so to shut down PC and Mobile technology wherever possible, but especially when on the outer or in a storm.
So may you soar high, and stay focused in the cosmic energies
Octavia / Daughter of the Sun
blue planetary night
The year of the Red Cosmic Moon has begun, and in sync with the beginning of the year a lunar eclipse occurs that turns the moon red – the year of the Red Cosmic Moon is thus accompanied by a „blood moon“ that is also the longest lunar eclipse of this century. Cosmic clocks are definitely attuned to the earthly clock, however ready humanity may be, the earth says in its cycle in the solar system that it is „in tune“
Similar to former articles, I write about the larger context, the identification of larger cycles and requirements, which sooner or later your own, individual topics are either part of or forced into, depending on contribution or awareness.
In this article, I therefore explain the energy of the two cycles (13-tone Red Moon and Saros Lunar 129) and the meaning of this cosmic constellation. Weiterlesen →
On 12/13 July (depending on the time zone), a partial solar eclipse occurs (Saros cycle solar 117). As in previous articles, I tke a look at this eclipse in the overall context of the Saros cycle, and its underlying meaning and energy to adapt to.
But first the high-energy moments that accompany this new moon / solar eclipse:
July 12 in the Dreamspell is the crystal eagle, the cooperation (12th crystal tone) in the vision, the expanding perception like an eagle in flight. It is the last of the 10 consecutive portaldays of the second half of the Tzolkin, therefore it is also about the vision of what tasks and energies humanity and the Earth have requested for their unfolding, consciousness or unconsciousness, the clear perception of what is ahead of us while the personal themes of one’s own nest are losing importance in the great overall view. But the eagle is in flight so high to feed itself, so to a future in the context of the present – what nourishes the present, the current state, to prepare for is coming.
So it’s already a very energetic day due to the placement in Dreamspell.
Now there is also a solar eclipse on the same day, visible in Australia as a partial solar eclipse, meaning that this Saros cycle, which started in 792, is soon about to come to an end. There will be only 2 more eclipses of this cycle, all of them visible near the South Pole (in 2036 + 2054).
Astrologically, the already existing transformation energy that underlies every eclipse is increased as the new moon / solar eclipse will be in exact opposition to Pluto in Capricorn.
Mercury is at its furthest point from the sun, which means already a slowing down in motion, stationary position, and turning retrograde from our perspective in the next few days.
Mars is still retrograde, indicating that energy which is normally taken outward into action is now shifted inwards, showing implosions of actions or projects, outbursts of anger, frustrations or depressions on the emotional (click to continue read) Weiterlesen →
Today is Equinox, 20th March 2018 at 16.15 Universal time – 17:15 Central European time.
The time of the balance of Earth – twice a year all over the planet it is the same lenght of day and night.
We enter Equinox with a stationary Mercury (conjoining Venus) that starts to get retrograde in Aries, which turns the thoughts more inwards to inner imagery and dreams and visions. Additionally to this, Mercury is the esoteric ruler of Aries on the esoteric level, which may represent symbolically that the emotional quality of Mars can and shall be replaced by the thoughts and reflections, Mercury can do.
It also shows a very important energy change – The change in the Astral plane that came to its strenght under the reign of the 6th ray, but this ray is no longer in action since a few hundred years. The 6th ray of devotion was an influence, where under ideals the religious fights were done. Devotion in that sense was rather a following an order without questioning it, a true soldier under an outer command. A diciple of a guru with not questioning anything.
Mercury as planet of the 4th ray brings along 4th ray influence of harmony through conflict, the ray of artistic expression, which is one of the new influences to start and take over the 6th ray astral plane (along with the 2nd ray of Love Wisdom).
The forth ray starts to be activated on Earth around 2025, so we ARE ALREADY in the time frame when the 4th ray is starting to emerge on Earth. Mercury as the estoeric ruler on the soul plane of Aries therefore may bring new insights, emerging aspects of the incoming new energy, so an other way of thinking or processing e.g. by artistic expression or expression that is able to show all sides of a story, creating a rather holografic image than a one-sided-story. Being aware of these new forms may also have a freeing aspect on the own mental plane.
Personally, i find stationary and retrograde mercury a good time to deal with frozen thought forms on the astral plane or mental plane that I am attached to or fixated at. Mercury (stationary / retrograde) gives insight – also on habits and on thought forms, so my inner quest is to dissolve my attachment and heal my emotional impact on the thought forms during my night sleep – which activated other parts of my dreaming.
If you are also interested in this work, i would suggest you to ask your inner higher aspects before going to sleep that you would like to work on detaching from thought forms you stick to as pattern or behavior. To do so, create on your inner a space of training and no manifestation, that you enter in dreamtime, so you can look at the patterns and train to solving or de-stress them until you reach the goal of detachement / being freed of them.
Under this suggestion the dreams you experience may alter – so e.g. showing you a similar situation again and again with other people, but same content with the possibility to changing habits in the dream already.So when you wake up, your inner has already found a way to deal with them and all it needs is the active agreeing that you want to be free of these attachments and habits – so it will find a path to manifest this then in the everyday life.
In whatever way, enjoy the instream of new ways of thouhgt forms on the incoming 4th ray on a solar esoteric quality of the soul through your own inner reflective work.
Visibility of the lunar eclipse 31st January 2018 photo credit: creative common licence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_2018_lunar_eclipse#/media/File:Visibility_Lunar_Eclipse_2018-01-31.png
In this article, I refer to the Lunar Eclipse of 31st January, – and in broader – to all eclipses during this year 2018 yet with less emphasis to the actual horoscope but to historically interpreting the events in a time line of consciousness and interaction in connection to the Sabian Symbols.
The first section is an introduction into the Saros Series of the eclipse from 31st January, followed by a list of historical events in these years.
Applying the Sabian Symbols for the first event – and then for the current event 31st January, leads then to conclusions in the last section. Sources of the research are also included at the end of the article. Weiterlesen →
In this article I list the historic events 1891 – 2000 of the Saros Cycles from 2018. the interpretation of these events in relation relate to the current events is in the other article (see listed above). It is my intention, to look at them as a kind of cyclic unfolding line of events and consciousness, therefore i suggest you also read this listed events.
A Saros serie is a connection of eclipses, that occur each 18 years 11 days. They have different starting points in time, yet in each year 2 different lunar cycles and 2 different solar cycles meet, giving way and energy to 4 eclipses each year.
All Series of eclipses of the year 2018, namely: Lunar 124, lunar 129, Solar150 and Solar 155 will therefore show the same years historically to be related with (in this 18 year cycle), yet as each one of them started in a different year, and of course have different horoscopes when they occur, they have each a focus, and therefore interpretation , of their own.
I will refer to this list in later articles, linking to it. Weiterlesen →
Solar Eclipse August 1999 Link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse_of_August_11,_1999
The total solar eclipse of 2017 / 21. August 2017, visible in North America, is connected to the total solar eclipse of 1999, visible in Central Europe. Both are embedded in a larger cycle, called the Saros Cycle, to be precise, Solar Saros 145, as in it are all solar eclipses that occur rhythmically in a certain period of time, belonging together.
When finding out, I got curious, starting to reflect on the past events of this series, and some astonishing connections were visible, which I would like to share in this article. So this article refers to the history and the underlying energy of this series. Weiterlesen →
A Quote from a Book of Alice A.Bailey on Nations (and centres)
Nations, for instance, have seven centres, as have all forms of existence from the human and animal upwards, and it is an interesting study to discover these centres and note the type of energy which flows through them. In connection with the United States of America, Chicago is the solar plexus centre, whilst New York is the throat centre and Washington the head centre. The heart centre is Los Angeles. The heart centre of Germany is Munich, and its head centre is Nuremberg, whilst Berlin is the throat centre. London is, of course, the heart centre for Great Britain (and temporarily it is also the head centre, though this will not always be the case), whilst Ottawa is the throat centre and Sydney is the solar plexus centre of the British Empire. Some day I may indicate to you the centres through which the forces of manifestation have to work for the various nations. This information constitutes one of the major hierarchical sciences and indicates to us who know it the possibilities latent in any nation, the point of attainment and the opportunities for work and advancement, or the obstacles [86] to progress; this is gauged by the light in the centres and the heightening and the obscuration of their vibration. It is this that makes possible or hinders the growth of what is called spirituality in individuals and in nations, and this science will later be recognised. It is by means of this science that the Hierarchy can form its larger plans and know in what manner individual nations will react to stimulation and to progress of the desired kind. This is the modern form of the ancient Atlantean laya-yoga, or the yoga of the centres.
if each Nation has chakras as well as the landscape itself has chakras…
and if e.g. the solar plexus to Britain is Sydney – what does Ukraine mean to Russia?
Is it a chakra lost ?
Does Russia feel a loss of energy due to that?
Ukraine has no or only little energizing effect to Europe – it is not really connected to the energetic flow, unless one considers the time where the k.u.k in Austria worked together with Katherine in Russia and People that served the k.u.k. were re-settled there.
Considering this, then the Problem is a felt loss of energy, that is not aligned and also probably not placed well if embodied into Europe.
So if it is for an energizing reason, it is necessary, that the energetic flow is well placed.
Then the question might be: what can Ukraine do to ensure an energetic flow within a free Ukraine as well as towards a … friendly ! … Russia ?
What energy flow might be appropriate towards Europe?