The new moon occurs right before celebrating the day out of time / entering the Lions gate / the new Haab in Dreamspell
On July 23rd at 11:45 European Summer Time the full moon is at Leo 0,44 in conjunction to Mars on 1,36 Leo.
The Sun and Mars will move then with almost same speed to the full moon of 07th August 2017, so they share their walk together in conjunction through a closer or wider relation.
The conjunction between Moon, Sun and Mars therefore is the energizing aspect of this new moon and will last at least until the full moon 07th August 2017, changing then the expression towards the solar eclipse happening in August. Mars gives a fiercely quality of fight into the Leo energy, so on political turns quarrels may turn to more Louis XIV expressions of royalty and fight, therefore starting quarrels or fights or combats may be due to self expression or the feeling of diminished self esteem, the sun wants to shine and it takes the energy of Mars, the sword of Mars, to ensure this. Weiterlesen