The energy of the Taurus full moon / WESAK / 18 May 2019

This article is set in three stages:

1. Geomantical in which I explain the meaning of the Sabian Symbol of the full moon from a different point of view
2. a section, where the horoscope and the collective impact is described
3. a view on WESAK and the energy of the Dreamspell Kin on this day – blending in to the “good news” of this energy

1. Sheila na Gig – /
“ the woman past her change of life experiences a new love. (Hu)men’s capacity to rise in consciousness and feelings above biological limitations.” (Sabian Symbol for the Sun at 27-28 degree Taurus / Today’s full moon) – the full text of the Sabian Symbols you find at the end of this article)

The German translator of the goddess card set told me a story: when the Goddess Oracle Cards were sent to a publisher, they refused, or to be precise, accepted only if the card for Sheila na Gig was removed (or altered to a better look). But Amy Sophia Marashinsky, the Author of the book, refused and insisted. So finally, the publisher accepted and the Card set was printed with that card.It happens that Sheila Na Gig is the sacred goddess of the Druids in the hyperborean area, remembered in Ireland and Great Britain. Her image with her vulva open is on old churches in Ireland, strangely enough these churches were build with them,, giving her, the dark goddess, a place in catholic churches. While googling, what is available in the internet about her, I saw many images trying to “beautify” her, making her younger with waving hair. But that is a disrespect to these places and her as goddess, denying a stage of life. Additionally it is a deep misunderstanding on the energy of the places where she is applied and seen, but a sign of the times we are in. When I visited some of these sites, my instant geomantic awareness told me they are sacred places with special dragon lines at work. The goddess is “open” as these lines are open. People should be open to these energies also. These are and were places of a very special, ancient, wise energy, a wisdom that usually comes in the human realm with age, quite often expressed by elderly women in a tribe. They are libraries of a wisdom almost forgotten on earth, where currently “puer and puella aeternus” are worshipped (if you are interested, I would suggest the book of Marie Louise von Franz: Puer aeternus). I was pleased to see the last remark in Dane Rudhyars symbol, referring a bit to this wisdom that I was perceiving at these places:

“(…)the symbolism stresses (hu)man’s capacity to rise above the limitations which both biological nature and the „normal“ social pattern of behavior have tried to impose on him/her. As in many of the preceding symbols, a „woman“ is pictured, because at this early stage of the cyclic process the individual consciousness still has a receptive or „feminine“ polarity”
(…)he or she should freely open his or her mind to the possibility of always new REBEGINNINGS. Ideally, the new beginning should imply a more mature response to the new possibility of experience”

Dane Rudhyar, and Astrological Mandala, see Footnote

The places where Sheila na Gig is seen are places to be open for a wisdom we usually don’t have any longer, a wise mind, a wise, educated emotion towards the stages of life and the changes that can occur on Earth. They are places where one can deeply root into the Earth but has to remain open for a love to life beyond the wild sexual loaded engagement that usually is forced upon people. There dragon lines, energy lines, are meeting, that in my view don’t have a name yet in the Geomantic community, but are known to the druids that live wisely and in love with Earth and her beings, including all human races.The image of the open vulva of a really old woman is something we can not accept in modern society, where “this place” should only be open as young as can be as long as a woman is beautiful (not even essentially as long as she is fertile, but as long a she can keep her body firm, she can have her vulva open). This openness is then taken gladly by energy seekers, trying to make their own lives younger, staying in power, neglecting the power of a stage beyond the cycles the own life knows so far. Yet a Full Moon means an opposition of Sun and Moon, whith Moon in the position of alignment with Earth – so the opposite site is important too. Here i first took the wrong reference to then find the “King of the fairies approaching his realm.” In Sheila na Gigg and her reference to the hyperborean dream – kept by the druids – both images meet. We are surrounded by realms where we lost the word for it, creating images of “human” kings in a spirit world – yet both worlds belong together. In former times, one was initiated into the wisdom in a later age. Each stage of life has its wisdom, yet some wisdom was only given to a certain life-span – as it included the richness of life and a mind that wa opened by life for it. The fairy king may be an interesting image for an other underlying nergy of today’s full moon – the re-birth of the Buddhic energy, that the buddhist are celebrating in the Taurus-Full-Moon the rebirth of the buddha consciuosness of Buddha Shakyamuni, born into a royal family, so into a worldly kingdom – which he then left to bring an other consciousness into the world. Buddha was born on the Taurus Full moon – reached his enlightenment during the Taurus full moon – and left his body on the Taurus full moon. He brought with him a consciousness that maybe Dane Rudhyar in his interpretation referred to:

“(..) The capacity in man to recognize and to pay homage to an integrating Principle at the core of all existence.
(..)the presence of a spiritual unifying factor begins to be sensed by the individual perhaps weary of the outer shows of his culture.”

Dane Rudhyar, an Astrological Mandala – see Footnote.

2. Horoscope – Quality of time:

If we look at the horoscope, we see the full moon at the end of Taurus/Scorpio. The Moon is void of course, so no planet is beyond 28 degrees.. The first planet, the energy that is produced in the moment of the full moon will meet a planet when the moon enters the next sign, as Mars and Lilith are between 1 – 2 degrees (Cancer / Pisces). Lilith, in my understanding, has one facet that aligns with the dark goddess – and roots deeply in sacred sites on Earth due to her cyclic nature. Mars is the planet of war aggression and male sexuality. So the first energy receiving this energy is similar – yet different – as both Lilith and Mars tend to externalize the energies in actions.
People may cook on their inner with anger, resentments, suppressed emotions, reaching a level of “enough” on various topics. The energy will be in a square and a quincunx mode – so irritations and strong and sharp pressure may accompany it. The next impulse will come within hours (aprox. half a day), as then the moon reaches the degrees of Venus/Uranus conjunction (3 -5 degree Taurus). Again a quincunx is forming yet of a different angle, which in this version may mean, that the moon may form a Yod – the finger of god – pointing to issues that need to be solved. Venus and Uranus are a high vibrant energy field – the magnetic nature of Venus meets with the electric nature of Uranus, turning to a neutral then again an overflow into the electric energy impulse. It may be up to this that the crack, that formed in earth’s atmosphere, may produce other strange effects. When the moon starts to form the YOD, Sun conj. Mercury of today’s Full moon will be the discharging point creating a boomerang effect. I therefore think there may be strange effects from the Sun coming, solar flares are possible (solar flares on the other side of the sun, not earth related, would show, that we communicate with the cosmos and that the current energy tries to discharge through the sun into the cosmos). If the Sun flares towards earth, then the cosmic energy discharges towards us, we have to face the energy directly. As Mercury is involved, we may also see a discharging or effects on communication systems, traffic, telecommunication, and all sorts of electric devices, in sudden happenings or accidental incidents.
The full moon – the Sun – is in a trine aspect to the nodes and Saturn / Pluto conjunction. The means of this energy is to really ponder on the structures on Earth, whether they are life giving , life sustaining or life taking. Whether they are fitting the sign of the times, the needs we face now and will come and emerge, or whether this all is denied and the structure tightened in rigidity. It will be up to this energy tightening or to the consciousness of awareness – the consciousness that change has to happen even if a structure is rigid – that will define the outcome of the supercharge aspects that is here to produce wisdom and an other view of life and the female energy.

3. Wesak – Dreamspell

In Dreamspell we are slowly approaching the end of the current spin. We are in the warrior wavespell, and the day of the full moon is Kin 205, red planetary serpent. The planetary tone is the tone of manifestation, representing the two hands of a body that were able to manifest an outcome. The Serpent is one view on the Kundalini energy, with the planetary tone in alignement we could also talk on the planetary Kundalini. The warrior and the warrior wave in Dreamspell does not stand for the military – not for the war fought with arms, but for the bravery and knighthood on the inner, the courage to see the things in clarity and to alter the own life expression according to the soul energy influx. A Warrior is a warrior of light, the energy is here to fulfill the dream the soul, the earth and the cosmos is dreaming. As I explained in an article a few days ago on the portal day of the night, there are self existing dreams we can enter, that pour from the sun (through the sun wave – the influx of the solar logos, that is Love/Wisdom in its nature) – or in the Warriof wave the galactic dream, so to become aware of the greater dream outside and to align life and goal and destination with it. The red serpent gives the energy to manifest, the energy Earth as a planet is holding inside her. Kin 205 is a spectral day, so we align with a part of the universe, the source of the “red” energy in it. Wesak is the high feast in Buddhism, and one of the three full moons of meditation one should align with. Buddha Shakyamundi was born on full moon in Taurus and left his body on full moon in Taurus. So the Buddhist community celebrates this day as the birth of compassion, the birth of the wisdom of the Buddha, The Buddha himself is reborn in each and all. Through this energy, the outpouring of the love/Wisdom thee Buddhist consciousness is having, the possibility arises, that this energises the red planetary serpent energy in such a way, that Earth can recharge her Kundalini towards the wise wisdom, that is also seen in the Sun Symbol of the woman past her changes, instead the military parades as seen in the other imagery. I would therefore suggest to join the energy in a meditation.

May the stars shine brightly on your path, and may your own star guide your way.

Octavia / 18th May 2019

4. Sources:

Sabian Symbols via – Dane Rudhyar Archive, altered by the author, that added (Hu) in front of “men” to address the universalilty of the energy

PHASE 58 (TAURUS 28°): A WOMAN, PAST HER „CHANGE OF LIFE,“ EXPERIENCES A NEW LOVE. KEYNOTE: (Hu)mans’s capacity to rise in consciousness and feelings above biological limitations.After having stated the youthful and the aged approach of the human individual to the use of what his culture has brought to him, the symbolism stresses human’s capacity to rise above the limitations which both biological nature and the „normal“ social pattern of behavior have tried to impose on him. As in many of the preceding symbols, a „woman“ is pictured, because at this early stage of the cyclic process the individual consciousness still has a receptive or „feminine“ polarity — as was indicated in the very first symbol of the entire cycle (Aries 1°).Whenever this third stage of the twelfth sequence is brought to a person’s consciousness, the indication is that he or she should freely open his or her mind to the possibility of always new REBEGINNINGS. Ideally, the new beginning should imply a more mature response to the new possibility of experience.

PHASE 238 (SCORPIO 28°): THE KING OF THE FAIRIES APPROACHING HIS DOMAIN.KEYNOTE: The capacity in man to recognize and to pay homage to an integrating Principle at the core of all existence.This rather peculiar picture tells us perhaps a good deal about the limitations of the mind of the clairvoyant who saw it, though it can be related to the symbolism of the various creatures of a spirit world mentioned in some alchemical and Rosicrucian books. What seems to be implied is that beyond both outer nature and the realm of the proud ego, a spiritual world exists to which the intuitive consciousness of man can pay allegiance. In that world, all manifested entities are seen as multiple aspects of a central Power and Consciousness. It is such a central principle of unity that human societies have sought to revere symbolically in human, all-too-human kings. In an individual sense, this principle is the Self.This is the third stage in the forty-eighth five-fold pattern of symbols. It adds a new dimension to the two preceding ones. At this stage the presence of a spiritual unifying factor begins to be sensed by the individual perhaps weary of the outer shows of his culture. An INNER ALLEGIANCE begins to polarize the consciousness.