The Solar eclipse 2nd Juy 2019 / New Moon – part 1

In the following article, I would like to discuss the energies of the eclipse / new moon in various sections, but first I would like to give a brief introduction to the structure itself.According to Alice Bailey, three important streams of forces are at work:1. The cosmic energies and cycles (the galaxy in relation to the universe)2. The energies in our solar system (in relation to the galaxy/Universe)3. Earth (Relative to the Sun / Solar System – Galaxy – and Universe).The cosmic energies and cycles are described by the precession, e.g. the time it takes for the equinox to move through the zodiac / ecliptic. According to Alice Bailey however, there is also a larger zodiac with a kind of cosmic precession of about 250,000 years at work, and a smaller one of about 26,000 years. In this smaller cycle, we on earth measure the ages: we are still in the age of Pisces as the springequinox takes place in Pisces while we move towards Aquarius. However, the cosmic forces of the larger cycle also manifest themselves on Earth in a special way as they trigger the pole shift and Earth-axis realignments. So the earth is involved in this great cycle through its planetary changes. (see AAB/Esoteric Astrology 408 ff)The cosmic forces in the great cycle of 250,000 years AAB sees in relation to the monad, the smaller precession of the equinoxes in relation to the soul. Planetary fluctuations have personality implications.Alice Bailey emphasizes that many do not include the energies of the Earth in the interpretation of the horoscopes. Another effect, that of Sirius, is often missing too. I would like to close this gap in a particular way.For both energy effects, the effect of Sirius on the Earth, and Earth’s communication in the cosmic currents, I see the Dreamspell as the means to capture and describe these energies in a way one can attune to them. Argüelles emphasized that he sees the Dreamspell / the need for a calendar change as one of the means by which people can adapt to the great changes through the cosmic forces. I agree with him and see the Dreamspell as a kind of transmitter of the cosmic forces in many ways.Therefore, my articles regarding the energy of solar eclipses are divided as follows:The cosmic energy cycles are captured by me through the description of the Saros cycle, in which I give a description of the energy impulses that act from the beginning to the present time. I am still exploring this topic because I am beginning to shed some light on other cycles as they each describe other mathematical-cyclic – and thus geometric-cyclic energies. (Saros Cycle 18, Meton 19, but these are only 2 of different forms of Earth’s eclipse interaction in relation to the Moon / Sun).The interpretation of the horoscope e.g to different energy centers or cities of the Earth in case there are certain regions of the Earth that seem to absorb or act out the energy of the larger cycles in a different way.The Dreamspell on two levels: as a measure of the great energy cycle to Sirius, (with the beginning of the Haab in July and at the beginning of each new spin of the Tzolkin). And as a measure of the Sirius-Earth – Earth to humanity interaction: the daily contemplation of the Kins.With this introduction I would like to turn to the current topics.

The Cosmic Cycle / Saros Solar 127

Saros Solar 127 began in 991 its rhythm. The energy impulse, expressed as Sabian symbol, is:

PHASE 203 (LIBRA 23°): CHANTICLEER’S VOICE HERALDS SUNRISE. KEYNOTE:A creative and joyous response to life processes. Keyword: RESPONSE TO LIFE’S RENEWALS.

The great impulse of the saros cycle is to make awake us to the cyclical changes in life and to welcome the sunrise again and again. Sunrise on Earth is the beginning of light, the beginning of the day, something one can rely on Earth that it happens. We measure our time according to the availability of light during a day, and the lack of it at night. Dane Rudhyar, in his way, emphasizes the symbol that in an interesting way: the rooster may think he is crowing in the sun, If he did not crow, the sun would not come. But from another point of view one knows: If the sun would not (seemingly) rise, the cock would not crow. The energy cause and its effect may be different than one may often think.So, the big impetus of the dawning a new era may not be something that people can call in that matter of sense, it’s something to which they respond cyclically and, if not conscious, it may be a kind of instinct.Solar eclipses, however, are now times of transformative effects. Often they show the opposite outcome or impact. Where rigidity prevails, the new impulse is often perceived as painful.An example that concerns me, and why this article has a certain length, has to do with the fact that this Saros series was the one of the fateful year of 2001. There was a solar eclipse on the summer solstice, on June 21, 2001, which belonged to the same series.The energy of that particular solar eclipse was:

PHASE 91 (CANCER 1°): ON A SHIP THE SAILORS LOWER AN OLD FLAG AND RAISE A NEW ONE. KEYNOTE: A radical change of allegiance exteriorized in a symbolical act: a point of no return. Keyword: REORIENTATION

with this in mind, maybe you remember the iconic photos from Ground Zero on 9/11 (Source

2001 was a decision year for the entire earth. Argüelles called 9/11 „the inevitable event“ S Since hearing this term, I’ve tried to understand what he meant found an incredible amount of energetic connections of cause and effect, yet there is not enough space to describe them int his article. To put it in a simple way, humanity created (especially in the last century), many events whose themes and impact remained unresolved while negating the cosmic impulses for change. From a planetary perspective: as the changes Earth undergoes have not been (sufficiently) consciously supported by humanity, there seems to have been the necessity of a major event. In this symbolic way, a flag change, a point of no return, took place in 2001 while the energies of this sabian symbol were activated. The bigger theme was bout an inner attitude of humanity in general, to him/herself, to the world, how we interact with each other – and how we deal with the energies around us. Is it about money, capital, soil, resources, profit, war, geopolitics, domination, shadow work (projecting the own shadow / unconsicous on others) … or …. Nature, Spirit, Soul, Value, Cooperation, Peace, Change, Awareness, Integration. These are just a few of the topics that can be mentioned shortly. Looking at the US flag as a symbol of this change, one can see that humanity under the leadership of George W. Bush initially continued to move even more rigidly to the first side mentioned. Then there was an 8-year period of waking up and cooperation, with impulses that are still working – but currently there is again a phase of – seemingly absurd – rigidity and isolationism.

The keyword „Absurd“ gets me to the current solar eclipse energy in the sense of the saros cycle:

KEYNOTE:The value of humor in developing objectivity and independence of mind.

The underlying theme of adaptation to new impulses shows in ever stronger, absurd, clownish images. A phase of humor is appropriate to deal with the issues that are revealed. However, it can also have the effect of negating some of the topics in such a way that the events take an absurd, clownish character pr turn that can be very painful. Distortions of the energies to be transformed, energy impulses that have dazzling character, yet are not recognized in essence – however one describes the „clown“ energy, it may be good advice to see the distortions with a dose of humor. This may be one of the many ways in which humanity can respond, can react, while being too lazy and reluctant to change, or even denying the necessity of it. However, as emphasized in the previous sections, a solar eclipse often has transformative character in the sense that things turn out to be challenging. In this sense, the clownesque would not be a way to deal with it, but it would bring more challenges and crises caused by it.

— to be continued with article 2 on the horoscopes and Dreamspell energy…

Sources: Sabian Symbol taken from the Dane Rudhya Archive at: