a window towards next year

Kin 168 + 169 Images of the Kins: CD Rom Edition www.maya.at – Text to it: Octavia Gentemann-Schmidt

Today on November 7th 2017 is Kin168 – the Crystal Star, also a portal day.
A day for cooperation in the energy of harmony and beauty.
The seal of the star can be seen as symbol for Venus or Sirius – so a star symbolizing an ascension path for Earth, as in the ancient wisdom teachings Earth is to be said an other form of Venus.
The twelth tone and the yellow seal corresponds with this year Crystal seed, so the emphasis on this year in each wavespell is – where is the cooperation of us taking place, in which way, which form. Today, the question is asked – how and where do we cooperate with the intention of harmony and beauty.

With the connection to Venus and Sirius and the cosmic seed we also have the chance of the underlying issue of cooperation in harmony, and the striving for a better world with greater manifestation of beauty and cosmic laws.
One of the laws that govern harmony are numbers, mathematics. as proportion is one measurement of beauty.
In case you are interested in the secret harmony, there is a TV series, called „ the Code“ – available on Netflix, that shows some of the underlying laws of this mathematic harmony connection that once Plato and the ancient Greek were aware of. Plato therefore named certain shapes as basic shapes of earth, now called the platonic solids.

To understand some of the energies, one has also to consider in what wavespell this cooperation takes place.
First – it is in the second part of the dreamspell, after the passage through the middle column and the 10 “closing” portal days, a phase, where the sun and cosmic communication / answer is pouring more clearly to Earth – so the inflow from the sun is stronger in underlying communication and the building of the energy field of Earth and her further manifestations / forms.
The 10th tone in each wavespell is a manifestation of its kind, in that wavespell it is the planetary white world bridger, showing, that death is one part of the manifestation of harmony. This can be the death of ego, the death of form, death of structure, in order to reach out or build a bridge to an other level of existence.
Yet it all gets really interesting when you see, it is the earth wavespell. Sirius and Venus have other forms of manifesting beauty, more immortal so it seems, guided by sound, ether, and maybe not physical forms in our earthly measures.
Earth may be creating her space again and again, with a humanity slowly awakening to the laws of harmoneous sound proportions and forms that are the starting point of each realization. Meditation, the sound of OM of the universe, the sound of harmony from Venus and the beings living there, said to be the 144 Kumaras, that give some shape to the laws that create forms on Earth as a being too.
To form an other life on earth, to live in an other form of cooperation, to look through the veils of existence, that death seems to part or end, but where a whole other life exists that is also part of life here – and a cooperation with the unseen therefore also a topic of this day, seal, energy.

Today is also the cosmic birthday of Mike Booth, governing Aura-Soma after Vicky Wall’s death. Both have the same view on Auras, able to perceive the true aura, that can be double-colored, one of the underlying issues of the two color sections of Aura-Soma.
Aura-Soma as a mirror also Shows, that as above so below can be or can be not the same. As sometimes the upper section is the same color than the lower, and sometimes it is not the same. .
It is Interesting to see, that especially Aura-Soma as company is in structural and cooperational changes, with the starting Point of a convention taking place in Japan – in the wavespell of Earth, that governs next year’s day out of time and energy, no coincidence in planning this day and series of Events. .
Yet also contained here is the energy of the pale coral pomander, born in September – cooperation quite often has an underlying issue: “Not with you” is as well there as “Yes, With you”

So – may the blessing of the cooperations spread, that are in alignment with the development of earth as a cosmic being, bringing out the harmonious sounds of beauty – to me expressed with a mantra that I meditated upon for various years:
I built a space that is a place for abundance, healing and growth for all

May it be.

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