March 4th – 5th saw the reaching of the center of the middle column in Dreamspell. This year, the energy of the center and the portal days that follow are in alignment with the newmoon – full moon – and the equinox.
Therefore I like to take a look on the energies in kind of blending them together.
On March 6th the new moon takes place between 15 – 16 degrees Pisces. The horoscope also shows a Uranus at 0 degree Taurus. Uranus entered Taurus in the past days and it is there to stay. Pluto and the southern node start to approach each other, slowly joined by Saturn. All of them are in an orb of 4 degree, with Pluto in half—sum of the distance Saturn-Node. So it starts to act as a Transfer of light aspect, as a stellium of planets with a wider range, but close together therefore connected through one or more planets on the “inner” is called in astrology.
The New
Moon is on Kin 132, the yellow lunar human. The lunar tone, in the middle of
the Dreamspell, refers to the polarity and of the duality of opposing forces, a
human may find itself in, while being in the middle of the cosmic in- and
outbreath of energies.
This human itself in the middle of this
flow is the focus of the Sabian Symbol
of this new moon:
KEYNOTE: Reliance upon one’s inner source of inspiration or guidance.
In this last scene of the great ritual of cyclic existence we are dealing with various aspects of the process that enables man to „con-firm,“ formulate and perpetuate the original creative impulse which has become self-actualized in a myriad of ways throughout the cycle, short or long as the cycle may be. This first symbol strikes the keynote of truly significant creative processes: their source is above, beyond, but also around the individual creator. The inspiration, original and individual though it may be, is given a form which is conditioned by the cultural, social and religious background of the creative person. In a sense, every genius merely records an answer to the needs of his time. The hands that write, play an instrument, or mold a plastic material are his own; the urge or drive back of the flow of inspiration has arisen in the vast collective mind of Man.
The individual aspect of the creative process is emphasized as is the individual’s need for concentration and at least inner quiet. He must have faith in his own SUBJECTIVE STRENGTH.
Sabian Symbol via mindfire, the Dane Rudhyar Archive project:
The task is set, as this creative flow from the cosmic center pours into the collective and the individual. Yet, how it can be set into motion on this collective and individual level can be seen through the horoscope.

The New moon is calculated for Europe in Universal Time / GMT.
The collective view:
Europe sees this New moon in the 7th house of partners, close to sunset. Neptun and retrograde Mercury are joining as well as Chiron, that entered the Aries sign. For Europe this may mean, that right now may be the right time to evaluate negotiations and decisions, it may even be a good time to turn all negotiations around in making other decisions. With Neptun as the ruler of the oceans, it may also indicate illusions or veiled issues regarding the oceans or the borders that are around the countries. Some issues may dissolve into nothing, while others may need really be taken care of. My inner raises the question of Trade (mercury) tax boundaries, shipping agreements, ferry regulations, so the issues regarding “meeting each other and getting in contact with each other through trade” not really worked through. Also, even if it was not mentioned in the public or tabloid papers, I guess that crude oil and gaz is a remaining unsolved issue.
Also on the collective we see now Uranus in Taurus. Taurus, in short, is a symbol for self worth, abundance and ressources. Values and Value systems. The Bull itself as a symbol rules the stock markets all over the world. Taurus is fix earth, so rock solid. Uranus entering Taurus means, that the rock solid earth is shaken, literally as well as symbolically. Uranus in Taurus to this moon may indicate, that the individual has to find the ressources (Taurus) that are lying in the individual creataivity (Uranus). For the whole 7 years of Uranus in Taurus, it may mean, that the Kundalini rising process in the body now has to emerge in a cleansed throat chakra (Taurus) – in a new sound therefore as well as a new expression ofcreativity, while the rock solid soil that used to carry the self worth may be challenged.
With Pluto in Capricorn, this “rock shaking” aspect is exponentiated, as the hidden longing of Capricorn of loss of control is met with a transformation up to the very core of the issue. Pluto is shaving through each onion layer structure an individual as well as earth has erected.
Where Uranus is challenging the layers of abundance and ressources, we may experience a re-evaluation of ressources one Earth as a whole as well as our creative abilities in the individual.
with Pluto in Capricorn we may see the shredding of the structure, a collective has given itself. Shredding the structure while at the same time there is a loss of control ( value) of ressources may turn societies and economies upside down. This may come to a deeper layer after Saturn faced the southern nodes and joins Pluto (January 2020).
This is at its best an incredible chance for new technologies (Uranus) that are life sustaining, while at the same time old ressources like crude oil may no longer be of value. Old forms to create electricity (Pluto – Atomic power – Uranus – Electricity) have to be overcome in order to make it through this necessary loss of value / loss of ressources. this re-evaluation also takes place in the individual, from the energy level an individual body is adapting to as well as the self-value and the expression of each of the inner flows of abilities. If the structure of the own life is not fitting this flow of inspiration, leading to the expression of the creativity, it will be crushed on the inner as well as on the outer. The shells will be cracked.
For Europe, all planets are on the right side of the Horoscope, this indicates a harvesting time. What is emerging now is the outcome of various processes that took place in other times.
This is to nation and individual a time, where the “flow of inspiration” may lead to rich fruits if placed well in alignment with the needs of Earth, and the needs of life itself.
(… to be continued soon )
Sabian Symbol via mindfire, the Dane Rudhyar Archive project: