We reached again the middle column in the Dreamspell’s spin, 20 days in the middle of the tzolkin – the narrow path of truth that leads to the heart of the issue, the heart of the being, the heart of the galaxy. It is the narrow path of self reflection and understanding – whatever is cut off, denied, outsourced but belongs to the own true self and all of its incarnations is bouncing around in this narrow road. Whether it will be jumping around ahead, creating challenges to look at it again, or whether it will be jumping around in other direction, it is about the wholeness of „the true self“ .
In the arrow path of truth, it doesn’t mattter where this may come from, may it be dimensions that are not well connected, may it be connections not aware of, or, as already mentioned, cut off parts too painful to look at, as they may have been cut off due to a shock… We face all of this in that narrow road until we alignn with our true sound, the whole being, communicating with the heart of the self and the heart of the galaxy. Therefore, on each of 9 months round of the Tzolkin’s spin, we have the chance to beome a person more whole, an Earth more whole.
it is in this narrow road, that i like to ask you a favor.
As you may have heard, deers, moose, elks in America, and also spreading now all over the world, caught a strange disease that similar to BSE in the 80’s in England.
There is a sound healing session from Tom Kenyon, that was given to the world after Fukuhsima, to heal on three levels this dramatic issue.
1). healing the devic and angelic realm of the nature spirits,
2) healing the site and all involved of an impact
3)inspiring people to develop the right medicine and techniques to solve an issue.
I ask you to do this meditation as often as you can, not only focussing on Fukushima, but expanding it to all areas where animals are ill, may it be whales, doplhins, sea life, but especially now the deers, moose and elks.
It is my understanding, that we face the sixth mass extinction, and that we have to deal with this issue, help the devic, but also develop technical devices, media, engineering and buildings in general, that are more life sustaining, life friendly.
I therefore put the link to the listening section of Tom Kenyons website in here.
He is very sensitive to copyright matters and that one deals in the right way with the sound meditations, therefore i ask you to read his listening agreement, agree with it , and then you find yourself in the section of the free downloads.
There is the „Fukushima healing“ – please read his instruction, then you can download or listen to this sound bit with the intended meditation, expanded to the deers and other wildlife forms, the current climate challenges and technical blockages..
Below the link I copied and pasted the instructions, so you can tune in his description already. Whenever Fukushima is mentioned, expand it to the situation of the wildlife.
Thank you!
( article by Octavia Gentemann-Schmidt , 23 february 2019 / Sternenfarben – (please spread this message if you feel called to participate)
Sources: image: maya.at cd rom edition music and shared info:
Fukushima sound meditation (byTom Kenyon)
Shortly after the Japanese earthquake of 2011, which severely damaged the Daiichi Nuclear Facility at Fukushima, I was in meditation when I unexpectedly found myself on an imaginal cliff overlooking the island of Japan.A Tibetan Buddhist lama by the name of Yabsong Rinpoche was sitting by my side. He pointed down and said “Soon the entire world will be suffering like Japan.”
It would seem that his words are turning out to be sadly prophetic. It is not in the scope, or the purpose of this message, to discuss the many ecological danger signals that point to Fukushima. Anyone interested in exploring the increasingly large pool of data, beyond the superficial treatment of the crisis by our mainstream media, can find a lot on the Internet by doing a search of the words “Fukushima radiation,” “Fukushima core meltdown,” and “Fukushima debris field.”I would just urge you to keep your “wits” about you as there is a lot of erroneous and hyperbolic information floating out there about the disaster. The facts are scary enough without having to go into unsubstantiated speculation. For the sake of clarity I would suggest reading reports from reputable scientists—especially those in the fields of nuclear energy, ecology and the marine sciences, as well as those who work in the fields of epidemiological research (meaning where cancer and radiation related illnesses are increasing in various populations including Japan and North America). I would also give more weight to respected alternative news sources. In my opinion these include, but are certainly not limited to, The Huffington Post (www.huffingtonpost.com), Energy News (www.enenews.com), Simply Info (www.fukuleaks.org), The Guardian (www.theguardian.com), and Greenpeace (www.greenpeace.org).
Background on the Fukushima Sound Meditation
After the Hathors asked me to channel this sound meditation to help with the crisis, I asked them—ever the skeptic—to explain how this meditation could possibly change the course of such a true debacle. After all, radiation of the type being released by Fukushima is highly toxic and damaging to most biological life-forms including we humans who have perched ourselves on the top rung of the evolutionary ladder, a position I consider to be highly tenuous.They explained that the sound meditation would focus on the three areas mentioned in their message above—
1) to assist the nature spirits of the area,
2) to assist the humans who are undertaking such a critical task under the direst of circumstances and
3) to inspire other humans in the sciences and technology sectors to create new technologies capable of dealing with the unprecedented challenges that Fukushima presents.
Interestingly, the Hathors are of the opinion that in addition to new radiation management technologies, some of these new technologies will be “biologically based” and will be developed by cell biologists, as well as by researchers who work with mushrooms and fungi.The Hathors contend that when the Meditation itself is engaged properly, those working with it will, in effect, create a quantum field-effect that can affect future possible outcomes around Fukushima. In essence, those who work the meditation will be Jumping Timelines, as the Hathors call it.This is a very important piece of information, in my opinion, as it provides a theoretical understanding how such an ephemeral thing as this meditation could affect such a terrible situation in three-dimensional reality.
I therefore suggest you read a previous Hathor message entitled Jumping Timelines, if you haven’t already read it. (Note: Click on the link above or go to www.tomkenyon.com and click on the Hathor tab. You will be taken to the Hathor Archives. Simply scroll down to the message titled Jumping Timelines).
The Meditation
The sound meditation is 3:28 minutes long.
There are three steps to this meditation:
1) First, enter a coherent state of emotion such as appreciation, gratitude, impersonal love and/or ecstasy. Consciously enter a state of appreciation, gratitude, impersonal love and/or ecstasy according to your own capacity to enter coherent states of consciousness. The simplest coherent state for most people to enter at will, is simple appreciation. If you are more adept at these things, you can choose one of the more complex coherent emotional states as you wish. But to be clear, simple appreciation is enough of a coherent state to make the meditation effective. As the Hathors clearly state, you must be in a coherent state of mind and emotion that transcends fear in order to be effective at this.
2) Listen to the sound meditation while you remain in this coherent emotional state.
3) Imagine, in whatever ways seem natural to you, that the situation at Fukushima is being resolved in life benevolent ways.This type of knowingness is not just idle hope or mere fantasy on our part. It is the engineering of intention through the union of coherent emotion and mental clarity.
This energized clarity is what creates the quantum field effect that the Hathors described to me when I asked them how such a meditation could contribute anything real to the situation.In other words, as those of us around the world engage the meditation, we will set into motion a movement of energies that can constellate into new and more positive outcomes. How this will show up will be anybody’s guess. But if the meditation is successful through all our joint efforts, I would expect to see an increase in both serendipity and new forms of creative problem solving in relationship to Fukushima.
I suspect that within our world sangha there will be many variations of the meditation. The important thing is to work with it in ways that seem natural and plausible to you. Those of you who are experienced in engineering outcomes through meditative states of mind will undoubtedly know what to do. For those of you new to this type of meditation, my primary suggestion is to let yourself settle into and be enveloped by the coherent emotion that you have chosen. As you “let go” and really experience the coherency of your chosen emotion, you will eventually find a deep intuitive sense emerging. This type of intuition is from your own heart/mind, and it will reveal to you how to proceed via your creative imagination. In other words, once you have entered deeply enough into coherency and set into motion your intention of imagining a resolution, ideas will spontaneously arise within your mind.One of the many things I appreciate about this sound meditation is that it is short and effective. It shifts my brain state into a very receptive state quite quickly, and due to its length I find that I can easily fit the meditation into my daily schedule.
This meditation is to be done on your own whenever you choose to engage it.
An important thing to remember is that this is not a one-time deal. If this experiment in consciousness is to be effective, the meditation will need to be engaged by many of us around the world multiple times for many years if not decades. Indeed, for those of you who choose to undertake this form of planetary service, the meditation is a profound calling to presence. Furthermore, this level of work will require a level of spiritual fortitude and perseverance that is, for most of us, unprecedented.
A Final Thought
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein
****************************************Passage Into the Devic and Angelic Realms©2013 Judi Sion All rights reserved.An extended play version of this sound meditation is now available as an mp3 download. After working with the Fukushima sound meditation multiple times, I realized that I wanted to listen to a longer version. This was because I found this particular sound meditation to be such a profound gateway into the Devic and Angelic realms of light. I therefore created a version of the sound track that is a little over an hour long, which I call Passage Into the Devic and Angelic Realms.I do want to be clear, here, that the 3:28 minute version is all that is needed for you to work the meditation effectively. You need nothing else sound wise.Passage Into the Devic and Angelic Realms is currently available only as an mp3 audio download.Click (link) to order Passage Into the Devic and Angelic Realms or go to The Store on the website (www.tomkenyon.com).